- Catppuccin for VSCode - Catppuccin Mocha (VSCode Theme)
- Apc Customize UI ++ - customize VSCode explorer
- Bearded Icons (VSCode Explorer icons)
- Better Comments (Comments design with !, #, ?, etc.. prefixes)
- Markdown All in One - System Default ( Preview Theme)
- Bracket Pair Color DLW - code brackets colors
- Error Lens - errors directly in code
- Python (Python typehints)
- Python Debugger
- Pylance
- Black Formater (Python PEP-8 formatter [CTRL + ALT + F])
Automations & Help:
- Codeium (AI with autocomplete)
- GitHub Actions (View GitHub Actions in a tab)
- GitHub Pull Requests (Send pull requests easily)
- SQLite Viewer (View database files directly in VSCode)
- YAML (.yml, .yaml files typehints)
- Docker (Dockerfile and Docker-Compose typehints)
- Discord Presence (Show the coding process with details in Discord Status)
- Polacode-2022 (Beautiful screenshots [CTRL + SHITF + P -> Polacode])
Comment selected code: CTRL + K + C
Uncomment selected code: CTRL + K + U
Format code: SHIFT + ALT + F
Edit multiple rows: ALT + SELECT ROWS
Other: Default
- Monokai Pro - Filter Spectrum
- Markdown Default
Automations & Help:
- Codeium (AI with autocomplete)
- Docker (Dockerfile and Docker-Compose typehints)
- YAML Default (.yml, .yaml files typehints)
- Discord Integration V2 (Show the coding process with details in Discord Status)
Comment selected code: CTRL + /
Uncomment selected code: CTRL + /
Format code: CTRL + ALT + L
Edit multiple rows: ALT + SELECT ROWS
Other: Default
- Install Windows Terminal (WT);
- Install Powershell and configure it as default terminal in WT;
- Download my WT Settings and replace them in yours;
- Install Scoop;
- Install Oh-My-Posh using scoop:
scoop install
- Add oh-my-posh to environmental variables, typing to pwsh:
$env:Path += ";C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin"
- Install JetBrains Mono Font;
- Install GNUwin32 for GNU-like commands;
- Install fastfetch (neofetch for windows) using scoop:
scoop install fastfetch
- Copy my fastfetch config to
; - Install eza (enhanced version of "ls" GNU command) using scoop:
scoop install eza
- Install bat (enhanced version of "cat" GNU command) using scoop:
scoop install bat
- Create a notepad (config file) in pwsh typing
notepad $profile
, and paste this:
Set-Alias -Name ls -Value eza
Set-Alias -Name cat -Value bat
Set-Alias -Name neofetch -Value fastfetch
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config '' | Invoke-Expression
- Remove powershell greeting message by passing "--nologo" flag in startup settings