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Embedding Based Matching for Automated Subject Indexing

This repository implements a prototype of a simple algorithm for matching subjects with sentence transformer embeddings. The idea is an inverted retrieval logic: Your target vocabulary is vectorized with a sentence transformer model, the embeddings are stored in a vector storage, enabling fast search across these embeddings with the Hierarchical Navigable Small World Algorithm. This enables fast semantic (embedding based) search across the vocaublary, even for extrem large vocabularies with many synonyms.

An input text to be indexed with terms from this vocabulary is embedded with the same sentence transformer model, and sent as a query to the vector storage, resulting in subject candidates with embeddings that are close to the query. Longer input texts can be chunked, resulting in multiple queries.

Finally, a ranker model is trained, that reranks the subject candidates, using some numerical features collected during the matching process.


This design borrows a lot of ideas from lexical matching like Maui [1], Kea [2] and particularly Annifs implementation in the MLLM-Backend (Maui Like Lexical Matching).

[1] Medelyan, O., Frank, E., & Witten, I. H. (2009). Human-competitive tagging using automatic keyphrase extraction. ACL and AFNLP, 6–7.

[2] Frank, E., Paynter, G. W., Witten, I. H., Gutwin, C., & Nevill-Manning, C. G. (1999). Domain-Specific Keyphrase Extraction. Proceedings of the 16 Th International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence (IJCAI99), 668–673.

Why embedding based matching

Existing subject indexing methods are roughly categorized into lexical matching algortihms and statistical learning algorithms. Lexical matching algorithms search for occurences of subjects from the controlled vocabulary over a given input text on the basis of their string representation. Statistical learning tries to learn patterns between input texts and gold standard annotations from large training corpora.

Statistical learning can only predict subjects that have occured in the gold standard annotations used for training. It is uncapable of zero shot predictions. Lexical matching can find any subjects that are part of the vocabulary. Unfortunately, lexical matching often produces a large amount of false positives, as matching input texts and vocabulary solely on their string representation does not capture any semantic context. In particular, disambiguation of subjects with similar string representation is a problem.

The idea of embedding based matching is to enhance lexcial matching with the power of sentence transformer embeddings. These embeddings can capture the semantic context of the input text and allow a vector based matching that does not (solely) rely on the string representation.

Benefits of Embedding Based Matching:

  • strong zero shot capabilities
  • handling of synonyms and context


  • creating embeddings for longer input texts with many chunks can be computationally expensive
  • no generelization capabilities: statisticl learning methods can learn the usage of a vocabulary from large amounts of training data and therefore learn associations between patterns in input texts and vocabulary items that are beyond lexical matching or embedding similarity. Lexical matching and embedding based matching will always stay close to the text.

Ranker model

The ranker model copies the idea taken from lexical matching Algorithms like MLLM or Maui, that subject candidates can be ranked based on additional context information, e.g.

  • first_occurence, last_occurence, spread: position (chunk number) of the subject match in a text
  • label_freq: overall usage frequency of a label in the vocabulary (we call this ontology prior)
  • occurences: number of occurence in a text
  • score: sum of the similarity scores of all matches between a text chunk's embeddings and label embeddings
  • is_PrefLabelTRUE: pref-Label or alt-Label tags in the SKOS Vocabulary

These are numerical features that can be used to train a binary classifier. Given a few hundred examples with gold standard labels, the ranker is trained to predict if a suggested candidate label is indeed a match, based on the numerical features collected during the matching process. In contrast to the complex extreme multi label classification problem, this is a a much simpler problem to train a classifier for, as the selection of features that the binary classifier is trained on, does not depend on the particular label.

Our ranker model is implemented using the xgboost library.

The following plot shows a variable importance plot of the xgboost Ranker-Model:


The plot demonstrates, that for this particular model fit, the score which represents the similarity of text chunk embedding and subject embedding is the most important indicator, if a candidate is an actual match. But also the prior label distribution label_freq) is an important feature for the ranker model. The effect of the ranker model on our test data can be seen in the following comparison of precision-recall curves:

Embedding model

Our code uses Jina AI Embeddings. These implement a technique known as Matryoshka Embedding that allows you to flexibly choose the dimension of your embedding vectors, to find your own cost-performance trade off. You can configure the parameter embedding_dim in the params.yaml file to reduce the embedding dimension.

In this demo application we use assymetric embeddings finetuned for retrieval: Embeddings of task retrieval.query for embedding the vocab and embeddings of task retrieval.passage for embedding the text chunks.


conda env create --file environment.yaml
conda activate ebm4subjects

The program assumes that you have a local weaviate instance running, that you can connect to with the weaviate-client library:

import weaviate

client = weaviate.connect_to_local()
if not client.is_ready():
      sys.exit("Weaviate client is not ready. Exiting...")

Data format structure


This should be a SKOS .ttl file. In this example we use a subset of subjects headings from the integrated authority file (GND).

├── vocab
│   ├── subjects.ttl
|   ├── subjects-ontology-prior.arrow

The ontology prior should be feather file with expected columns label_id (str) and label_freq (int)

label_id label_freq
000002917 5
000002992 4
... ...

Text corpora

The pipeline expects the annif short document format.

├── corpora/ftoa/
│   ├── train.tsv.gz
│   ├── validate.tsv.gz
│   └── test.tsv.gz

DVC workflow

The repository is implemented as a DVC workflow.

Dependency of Stages

The DVC workflow has the following stages

  • create_vocab_collection
  • chunk_texts
  • embed_chunks
  • generate_candidates
  • train_ranker
  • rank_candidates
  • Optional: compute_metrics

The following DAG depicts how these stages depend on each other, circles representing the essential input required:

flowchart TD


Embedding Parameters

Parameter Name Description Default Value
embedding_model The sentence transformer model used for generating embeddings. jinaai/jina-embeddings-v3
embedding_dim The dimensionality of the Jina-AI Embeddings (not supported on other models) 1024

Vocab configuration

Parameter Name Description Default Value
phrase A default phrase that is prefixed to the vocab items before embedding. This could be something like "A good subject heading for this text is: " For some embedding models this can help ""
use_altLabels Also embed alternative Labels from the SKOS collection. true

Chunking parameters

Parameter Name Description Default Value
chunk_size The size of text chunks intended for embedding. Multiple sentences will be concatenated until chunk_size is overstepped. Then a new chunk will be created. Shorter chunks create candidates closer to the text, but will also increase the number of chunks, and hence the computational costs 512
max_docs A limit on how many documents of a given text corpus are to be processed 30000
max_chunks The maximum number of chunks that are created for each document. This can be an effective parameter to reduce computation time 600
max_sentences_per_doc An intermediate step of the chunking process is splitting the text into sentences. This avoids chunking the document at unnatural splitting points. max_sentences_per_doc can be used to shorten texts, based on the number of sentecnes (rather then chracdter counts).

Parameters for Hybrid Search

Parameter Name Description Default Value
alpha Balance vector search and classical bm25. alpha=0 is classical bm25, i.e. almost like lexcial matching. alpha=1 is pure vector search, no reliance on text representation. 0.625
top_k How many candidates per Text will be generated. Increase to boost recall, decrease for higher precision 100
n_hits How many candidates per chunk will be retrieved from the vocab? Increase to boost recall, decrease for higher precision 20
n_jobs How many parallel processes? 20


Embedding Based Matching for Automated Subject Indexing






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