Serverless blogging website with notion like editor. Made with Cloudflare workers, Hono and NextJs. : 123456
📝 Create, Read, Update and Delete blogs
🔐 JWT auth handling with password salting using bcryptJs
🎨 Notion like editor for writing blogs
🔍 Search all relevant posts
❤️ Like your favorite posts
🌟 Code syntax highlighting support
💬 Reddit like infinite nesting comment system for blog
- NextJs
- Hono
- Postgres
- Cloudflare workers
- ShadCN UI
- Prisma ORM
- Turbo repo
- TypeScipt
- Novel editor
- Tailwind CSS
- Tiptap text editor
- Amazon s3 for file storage
- Hono storage for handling multipart form data
- TanStack Query v5
- Post like functionality
- Upload cover images to s3
- Add search functionality
- Comment section
- Tags and Interests system
- Dockerise the app
- User dashboard
- Subscription model
- Follow/Unfollow functionality
- Run the following command to install all dependencies:
npm install
Create a file called wrangler.toml in apps/backend and update the variables as per the example file
Create a file called .env in apps/backend and update the variables as per the example file
Then generate prisma client using these command
cd ./apps/backend
npx prisma generate
- Then run the build command from root folder using
npm run dev