A clone of deplace maison ecoomerce website using React/Next JS with stripe payment integration and firebase for storing orders.
This project was made only for educational purposes, I do not own any of the content (product images, fonts etc.). All the credit goes to Deplace maison. This project was only meant to be created as part of frontend React/NextJs practice and learning. This project is not meant to be used for any other purposes.
I found out about the website on FrontendPractice You can checkout the original website here.
- NextJs/ReactJS - Frontend and UI development
- NodeJS - Backend development
- Axios - Making asynchronus HTTP requests
- NextAuth v4 - For user authentication via gmail
- Stripe payment integration (webhooks)
- StyledComponents - Styling all the react components.
- Firebase Realtime DB - Getting products and other data.
- Firebase Firestore DB - Storing orders after processing payments.
- ContextApi for app wide state management
- Local storage for storing user cart
- Download the code
- Open a npm terminal in root directory
npm install
- In the root folder create a .env.local file and define these constants in there
- You can checkout the respective docs of stripe, google, firebase etc. on how to get the public and private keys.
- Stripe: https://stripe.com/docs/keys
- Stripe CLI: https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-cli
- Firebase Service Account: https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup#set-up-project-and-service-account
- Google cloud auth: https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en
- Next Auth Secret: https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#secret
#Stripe Terminal/CLI
//A random string used to hash tokens by NextAuth
- Run the below command to start the development server
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
- Open http://localhost:3000/ in your local machine to see the website live
- Run the below command to build the project for production
npm run build
- Add animations
- Add dark theme
- Add page transitions