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Block Json Parser

Manage Gutenberg blocks with json files.

Example directory structure

├─ blocks/
│  ├─ blocks.json
│  ├─ slider/
│  │  ├─ assets/
│  │  │  ├─ slider.scss/
│  │  │  ├─ slider.js
│  │  ├─ block.json
│  │  ├─ template.php

Use block.json

In your block's directory, create a block.json file.
The json file accepts all the same arguments acf_register_block_type() does, as well as:

  • parser_version (required)
  • includedPostTypes (array)
  • excludedPostTypes (array)

Every directory with a block.json file will automatically register a block.
If a [BLOCK-NAME].css or [BLOCK-NAME].js file exists in blocks specified assets dist directory, the asset will automatically be enqueued.

Here is an example of a block.json file would look:

	"parser_version": 1,
	"name": "image-slider",
	"title": "Image slider",
	"icon": "slides",
	"includedPostTypes": ["page", "post"]

By not specifying includedPostTypes and excludedPostTypes, your block will be included and shown for all post types by default.

Use blocks.json

In your blocks directory (the directory where all your blocks live), create a blocks.json file.
The json file accepts the following:

  • parser_version (integer, required)
  • allowedBlocks (object or arrays)
  • debug (boolean)

This is the file responsible for handling vendor blocks per post type.

Here is an example of a blocks.json file would look:

	"parser_version": 1,
	"allowedBlocks": {
		"page": {
			"cookiebot": ["cookie-declaration"],
			"core": "all"
		"post": {
			"core": ["paragraph", "heading", "list", "quote", "image"]
		"all": {
			"core": ["paragraph", "heading", "image"]

You can specify an all object to allow certain blocks for all post types.
If a rule is more specific than the other, that rule will override the original rule set. By not specifying a post type or all, your post type will have all block types allowed.


Change the default Block_Parser path.

add_filter('block_json_parser_blocks_path', function() {
    return '/src/blocks'; // Starts from theme root.

Change the default Block_Parser when loading from a child theme. This makes the default Block_Parser path relative to the child theme, then adds the primary theme as a secondary Block_Parser path.

add_filter( 'block_json_parser_has_blocks_in_child_theme', function( bool $has_child_theme_blocks ): bool {
	return true;
}, 10, 1 );

Change the default block css dist path.

add_filter('block_json_parser_css_dist_path', function() {
    return '/dist/css/blocks/frontend'; // Starts from theme root.

Change the default block js dist path.

add_filter('block_json_parser_js_dist_path', function() {
    return '/dist/js/blocks'; // Starts from theme root.

Modify default block args.

// Example of setting a default block category for blocks.
add_filter('block_json_parser_block_defaults', function($args) {
    $args['category'] = 'your_category';

    return $args;

Modify block args.

// Example of handling block icons with a custom function.
add_filter('block_json_parser_block_args', function($args) {
    if ( isset( $args['icon'] ) && function_exists('material_icon') ) :
        $args['icon'] = material_icon($args['icon']);

    return $args;



Utility function for caching static data, such as icons. Usage example:

add_filter('block_json_parser_block_args', function ($args) {
    if (isset($args['icon']) && function_exists('material_icon')) {
        // This acts as the file name for the cached data
        $key = $args['icon'] . '.svg';

	if ($cached_icon = block_json_parser_cache_static($key)) {
            $args['icon'] =  $cached_icon;
        } else {
            $icon_data = material_icon($args['icon']);
            // This will cache the content and return the data back
            $args['icon'] = block_json_parser_cache_static($key, $icon_data);
    return $args;

Material icons link