Puppet module for fail2ban configuration.
This module is intended to be used to manage the fail2ban configurations.
class { fail2ban: }
- bantime: banning time, in seconds
- backend: backend to be used, defaults to 'auto'. Use 'systemd' to force using systemd.
- action: action used to ban, defaults to 'iptables' unless you run on RHEL >= 7. Set it to 'firewallcmd-ipset' to use firewalld.
- findtime: the counter is set to zero if no match is found within "findtime" seconds
- maxretry: number of matches (i.e. value of the counter) which triggers ban action on the IP
- jails: hash of jails to activate, currently supported options are imap, pop3, ssh, vsftpd.
- mailto: mail address to send notifications
- log_file: the log file path or SYSLOG (default), STDOUT, STDERR
- log_level: the log level, level can be one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG
This is a simple example to configure fail2ban with an SSH and IMAP jail. You can override values for the given jail by specifying the parameters in the jail hash.
Using the fail2ban ssh and imap jails
class { 'fail2ban':
jails => {'ssh' => { 'maxretry' => 5 }, 'imap' => {}},
mailto => 'root@example.com',
- Firewalld support
- Jail parameter overrides
- Fix params inheritance namespace
- New log_level parameter
- Add backend parameter to force systemd
- Puppet 4 compatibility
- Add log_file option
- Fix whois package name for RHEL < 7
- Add whois in case of ssh jails defined
- Add bantime, findtime and maxretry parameters
- Initial version