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Development environment for the Maple ARM Cortex-M3 development board; forked from Arduino


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                                                by leaflabs!

maple-ide is a graphical programming environment for the Maple development
board developed by LeafLabs. It is a modified version of the popular open
source Arduino environment targeted towards the ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
in the Maple; the regular arduino toolchain is only targeted towards the Atmel
series of AVR microcontrollers.

This is the source code repository for the maple-ide; if you just want to
program your Maple board you probably want to download a binary release package
for your particular platform. Binaries are linked from:

This IDE includes a full ARM compiler toolchain ("arm-none-eabi-gcc") and a low
level library for the STM32 Cortex-M3 platform called libmaple. The toolchain
binaries are fetched from the leaflabs server as a repackaged (and sometimes
recompiled) .tar.gz of CodeSourcery's modifications to the GCC toolchain.
libmaple is developed separately and can be used straight from the command
line; it is available at

If you are a "power hacker" just looking to modify the Maple IDE compilation
process or get at libmaple directly we strongly recommend that you check out
the alternative workflow described at

Arduino Compatibility Disclaimer
We make no claims that we "preserve" any design or strategy behind Arduino,
which is why this being released as a separate branch of Arduino and not as a
patch. Arduino is clearly organized around compiling to AVR, and compiling to
ARM is a hack. In the future we hope that the Arduino compilation and upload
infrastructure will be generalized so that boards like the Maple which require
a non-AVR compiler can be developed for in the regular IDE by installing a
plugin or library.

Build Requirements
NOTE: there are separate requirements to actually compile and upload
      sketches using the environment; these are just the tools needed
      to build the Java user interface.

The toolchain archives for each platform are quite large and don't change
often so they are mirrored separately from this repository. The appropriate
.tar.gz file will be downloaded as part of the process.

In order to successfully build the IDE, you'll need to get a fresh
clone of libmaple.  For this, you'll need to download Git (you've
probably already done this), and get a fresh clone of libmaple with

    $ git clone

The libmaple documentation is automatically generated, and you need to
be able to build it to get a full-featured IDE.  The documentation
dependencies are:

 1) Sphinx: you need version 1.0.6 or higher; earlier versions
    contained bugs that broke our docs' build. As of Feb. 2011,
    apt-get gives you a pre 1.0 version and therefore
    INSUFFICIENT. Grab the new version from:

    or if you prefer python's easy_install tool (apt-get install
    python-setuptools) you can just do

        $ sudo easy_install -U Sphinx

 2) Doxygen: any relatively recent version should work.  Mac users:
    Make sure the doxygen executable is in your PATH; it lives in

 3) Breathe: A Doxygen-to-Sphinx bridge by Michael Jones.  LeafLabs
    maintains a fork of Breathe here:

        $ git clone

    We sometimes modify the breathe internals to suit our own needs.
    While we do submit pull requests to try to get our changes merged
    upstream, we make no guarantees that our documentation will build
    using a stock version of breathe.

Linux build requirements:
 - A reasonable development environment (tar, perl, gzip, etc)
 - A java 1.5+ environment with javac on the path
 - You will need a java jdk as well as a jre (runtime). Unfortunately,
   the Ubuntu standard openjdk-6-jre/jdk does NOT include the
   necessary JDI package which the IDE needs to build. Thus, you will
   need to get the sun-java6-jdk to build everything even if you
   already have openjdk installed. The sun version is NOT FREE
   SOFTWARE, so you'll need to tap into nonfree/multiverse
   repositories. On ubuntu 10.10 you can do:
   $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6
   $ sudo apt-get update
   $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jre

   That call to add-apt-repository should only add the sun-java6
   packages, so you dont have to worry about muddying your system with
   any more non free packages!

Mac OSX build requirements:
 - XCode
 - Apple's JDK and JRE

Windows build requirements:
 - A Cygwin build environment (see the Arduino build docs)
 - A JDK and JRE on the PATH

Build Instructions

You first need to set the environment variables LIB_MAPLE_HOME to the
path containing the libmaple repo, and BREATHE_HOME to the path
containing the breathe repo.  [FIXME: using env. vars. is hackish].
This will enable you to build the documentation.  Check that this
worked with:

    $ cd $LIB_MAPLE_HOME/docs
    $ doxygen
    $ make html

Sphinx should build the docs with no trouble, ending in "The HTML
pages are in build/html".  Please ignore any warnings.

If that worked, you're now ready to place the IDE's various libmaple
dependencies into their respective places.  There's a hackish script
in the libmaple repo which will get the details right for you.  From

    $ ./support/scripts/copy-to-ide <--path to IDE directory-->

Where <--path to IDE directory--> gets replaced with the path
containing the IDE repository.  This will copy the libmaple source
tree over, then rebuild the documentation and copy it over.  You are
now ready to compile the IDE itself.

From the build/ directory, select the appropriate subdirectory based
on your target platform.  Run from within that directory.

    $ cd build/linux
    $ ./

    $ cd build/macosx
    $ ./

Windows (Cygwin):
    $ cd build/windows
    $ ./

On Windows, you may have problems with line endings (one potential
error message is "'\r': command not found").  To fix these, run

    $ dos2unix.exe

After compilation, you can run the appropriate build/<platform>/
script to run the IDE.

If you would like to package the compiled IDE for distribution, run
the appropriate build/<platform>/ script.  This will create an
appropriate file for distribution (.dmg on OS X, .zip on Windows, .tgz
on Linux).

Notes on RXTX
We have recompiled the RXTX Java libraries for linux so that they will detect
ACM devices. We took the rxtx-2.2pre2 source code and simply added a "ttyACM"
prefix entry everywhere we found a "ttyUSB" entry. We also disabled printer
port support (this reduces the jar file size?):

    $ ./configure  --disable-PRINTER
    $ make


Development environment for the Maple ARM Cortex-M3 development board; forked from Arduino







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