: an R package for coding and decoding secret messages
xx <- cypher_code("This is a secret coded message")
## [1] "547 134 154 156 165 82 155 167 83 153 87 168 153 151 163 151 170 83 148 161 155 155 155 82 162 156 168 167 154 154 157"
## [1] "This is a secret coded message"
Download and run the following R
A custom cypher for this package can be recreated using the following
code. However, it should be noted that the recipient will need the
file to decode the messages.
cyphers <- list()
for(i in 1:999) {
cyphers[i] <- paste(round(runif(1000, 0, 9)),collapse = "")
save(cyphers, file = "Data/cyphers.RData")
This package uses a Caesar cypher in which each letter gets a different shift. Additionally, each message gets a different set of shifts based on the 3 number code at the start of the message. The first 3 numbers indicate which cypher will be used, and indicates the shift used for every character. then the utf8 codes are converted to integers and the caesar shift is added. For decoding, the first 3 numbers are read and used to find the correct cypher, then the integers are shifted, allowing the integers to be converted back to utf8 coding.
cypher_code <- function(x) {
cn <- round(runif(1, 1, 999))
x <- paste(c(as.numeric(stringr::str_pad(cn, 3, pad = "0")), utf8ToInt(x) + utf8ToInt(substr(cyphers[cn], 1, nchar(x)))), collapse = " ")
cypher_decode <- function(x) {
x <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, split = " ")))
cn <- x[1]
intToUtf8(x[2:length(x)] - utf8ToInt(substr(cyphers[cn], 1, length(x)-1)))
© Derek Michael Wright