1 week challenge project where I had to develop from scratch a video game using Javascript.
This 2 player game is pretty simple:
The end is neigh! The Dino-apocalypse is here! Meteorites are showering the skies and the only thing that T-rex, the last dinosaur on Earth, can do, is to try his best and avoid getting hit by them! Thankfully, Surya, the sun goddess is there to help him! With a goddess by his side, will T-rex survive this catastrophe of meteoric proportions!? You have to play to find out!
<~ Meet this little cute guy: T-rex. He can only run from danger, trembling with fear.
<~ And this is Sūrya, the goddess sun who needs to avoid the dinosaurs extinction by protecting t-rex. She can move around the map protecting the dino... meteorites doesn't hurt her.
You can try it out using this link: Sūrya's Notebook
All this are original characters and drawings.
Here are some instagram posts when I was developing the game:
This is my first videogame ever <3 !!!