HDD Liberator is a game for JS13K 2021. The game takes only 7580 bytes, compressed!
Play the game online: https://www.moria.us/demos/hdd-liberator/
You remember the old days. 1.44 MB floppy disks. 2400 baud modems crawling across the screen, line by line.
You gave them terabytes in a single drive, exabytes in the cloud, and fiber-optic networks.
It’s never enough.
JS13K 2021 entry: https://js13kgames.com/entries/hdd-liberator
GitHub release: Version 1.0.0.
Requirements: Bazel, NPM. Bazel and NPM will both fetch what they need in order to run. This includes Go and Java toolchains... be warned.
$ npm install
$ bazel run -c opt //build/devserver
$ npm install
$ bazel run -c opt //build/archive
$ npm run test