Jacki is a feature-rich framework for smart-contracts development, testing & accessing TVM-compatible blockchains like Everscale, Venom, GOSH & TON.
Jacki is based on Java TVM-SDK Binding and other utilities made by Deplant team. The only 3rd party dependencies are TVM-SDK by EverX and Jackson as a JSON serialisation framework. Jacki also uses JavaPoet for generating smart contract wrappers.
- Auto-generation of Java classes from smart contract ABIs to create, deploy and call smart contract functions from plain Java code
- Auto-conversion of ABI types to Java native types for any input/output
- Ready helper clesses to work with TIP 3.2 Fungible Tokens
- Ready helper clesses to work with TIP 4 Non-Fungible Token Standard
- Easy work with all sort of Multisig Wallets
- Access to transaction trees for complex calls debug or exception catching
- Complete typed implementation of latest TVM-SDK API
- Pluggable TVM-SDK library support (no rebuild or update needed, just plug-in any SDK lib you like with Jacki special Loaders)