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See more challenges from Denny: #denny-challenges
- Objective: Create a dummy cookbook, and test deployment in docker
- Requirements:
1. Use docker container to start a env with chef pre-installed 2. Create a dummy cookbook and apply it
- See more: Scenario-101
- Objective: Pure VM deployment
- Requirements:
1. Start a VM, install chef facility 2. Create a dummy cookbook to install jq package 3. Before install jq, run "apt-get update" by chef. So you need berkshelf. 4. Enforce rubocop and foodcritic for code static check
- See more: Scenario-102
- Objective: Setup chef server and chef client
- Requirements:
1. Start 3 containers to run chef server, knife workstation and chef client 2. Install and configure knife 3. From knife node run chef deployment in chef client node

- See more: Scenario-103
- Objective: Test your cookbooks. Run kitchen docker in your laptop.
- Requirements:
1. Use kitchen to test your cookbook: start a container and test the logic 2. Enforce kitchen verify logic via serverspec
- See more: Scenario-201

- Objective: Deploy for 3 scenarios: docker, local VM and public cloud
- Requirements:
1. Use Kitchen to test local vm deployment 2. Use Kitchen to test docker deployment 3. Use Kitchen to test cloud VM deployment
- See more: Scenario-202

- Objective: Use chef to deploy one common service for real
- Requirements:
1. Deploy a standalone jenkins by chef 2. Chef shall add one jenkins user 3. Chef shall add a dummy job with slack notification enabled 4. Run deployment in docker, vagrant and EC2 5. Test both Ubuntu 14.04 and Centos 7
- See more: Scenario-301
- Objective: More Jenkins customization
- Requirements:
1. For better security, only registered user can login 2. For better security, Jenkins listen on port 18080, instead of 8080 3. When Jenkins is down, get alerts
- See more: Scenario-302
- Objective: More Jenkins customization
- Requirements:
1. Use Jenkinsfile to create a Jenkins pipeline 2. Enable and configure ThinBackup
- See more: Scenario-303
- Objective: Test and verify the deployment for both all-in-one and 2 nodes cluster
- Requirements:
1. Test 2 nodes jenkins cluster deployment in docker 2. Use Jenkinsfile to configure Jenkins 3. Define Jenkins pipeline

- See more: Scenario-303

License: Code is licensed under MIT License.
- Useful links