OSX Wifi password checker using OSX built-in tools (+ Python 3 that is sadly not supplied by default anymore).
- This is a coding exercise, for educational purposes only.
- Only use this in a controlled environment, on hardware you own (harder than you think).
This script uses OSX built-in command-line tools (sans Python 3) to scan and connect to SSIDS in scanning range using a list of example passwords you can find in the script. Optionally you can adjust the script to use an external text file (see code).
You might need to install the OSX command-line tools, you can invoke this by simply typing the following in the Terminal:
After python3 is installed you can simply run this script like:
python wifibf-single-thread.py
- Example output image is from the multi-thread version
- Not sure how this script deals with open networks.
- It is extremely slow. Like, 20 seconds per pass, still faster than manual...
- Known networks accept some password that is thrown at them (false positives).
- You might get a pop-up asking for your admin pass, to make changes to the network settings when a match is found...I do not know how to get around this.
- The single thread version is confirmed to be working in a isolated test setting on self-owned hardware. The multithread version is not working at the moment, see below:
- The 'wifibf.py' script was an attempt at multi-threading but that might be impossible considering the hardware involved (1 interface).
- There are some quality of life improvements in 'wifibf.py' that should be implemented in the single thread version (like listing names of all Access Points around).
- There is some noise in the user interface/loading cursor, not clearing lines fully.