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Gelato API Client in JavaScript/TypeScript

License: MIT npm version

This library provides support for TypeScript/JavaScript Gelato's API. See full documentation on Gelato API docs.


# npm
npm i -S gelato-api

# yarn
yarn add gelato-api


Before you can utilize the API you need:

  1. An account on
  2. Create an API key in Dashboard > Developer > API Keys
import { GelatoApi } from 'gelato-api';

const gelato = new GelatoApi({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' });


Catalogs & Products

// Get all catalogs
const allCatalogs = await gelato.products.getCatalogs();

// Get specific catalog
const cardCatalog = await gelato.products.getCatalog('cards');

// Get/Search products in catalog
const cardProducts = await gelato.products.getProductsInCatalog('cards', { limit: 5 });

// Get specific product
const card1 = await gelato.products.getProduct('cards_pf_bb_pt_350...');

// Get cover dimensions
const dims = await gelato.products.getCoverDimensions('photobooks-softcover_pf_140x...', {
  pageCount: 30,

// Get prices
const cardPrices = await gelato.products.getPrices('cards_pf_bb_pt_350...', {
  country: 'SE',
  currency: 'SEK',

// Get stock availability
const stockInfo = await gelato.products.getStockAvailability([

Shipment Methods

// Get available shipment methods in Sweden
const shipments = await gelato.shipment.getMethods({ country: 'SE' });


import { Gelato, GelatoApi } from 'gelato-api';

// Create order
const myOrder: Gelato.OrderCreateRequest = {
  orderType: 'draft',
  orderReferenceId: 'my-internal-order-id',
  customerReferenceId: 'my-internal-customer-id',
  currency: 'EUR',
  items: [
      itemReferenceId: 'my-internal-item-id',
      productUid: 'cards_pf_bb_pt_350-gsm-coated-silk_cl_4-4_hor',
      quantity: 1,
      fileUrl: '',
  shippingAddress: {
    firstName: 'Test',
    lastName: 'Testson',
    addressLine1: 'Test Street 123',
    city: 'Testville',
    postCode: '123 45',
    country: 'SE',
    email: '',
const createdOrder = await gelato.orders.v3.create(myOrder);

// And more...
const createdOrder = await gelato.orders.v3.get('gelato-order-id');
const foundOrders = await{ ... });

const patchedOrder = await gelato.orders.v3.patchDraft('gelato-order-id', { orderType: 'order'});
const updatedOrder = await gelato.orders.v3.update('gelato-order-id', { ... });

await gelato.orders.v3.deleteDraft('gelato-order-id');
await gelato.orders.v3.cancel('gelato-order-id');

const quotedOrder = await gelato.orders.v3.quote({ ... });
const shippingAddress = await gelato.orders.v3.getShippingAddress('gelato-order-id');
const updatedShippingAddress = await gelato.orders.v3.updateShippingAddress('gelato-order-id', { ... });

NOTE Orders V2 is not supported for now.

Run end-to-end tests

The E2E tests will utilize each feature supported, meaning it will list, create, update and delete actual data in the API. However, when it runs successfully it should have cleaned up any test orders. If not - it might be worth to take a look in the Dashboard > Orders to see if any manual clean up is required.

To run the e2e tests, follow these steps:

  1. Rename .env-SAMPLE to .env and add your Gelato API key.
  2. Run tests:
    npm run test:e2e
    # or
    yarn test:e2e

Go nuts! 🥳


API client for's print service







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