Creates ELK cluster and watches for LOGSTASH_DIR directory (see .env file).
So far parses only cbt results.
- setup docker, and docker-compose
- check that your system has correct parameters for elk in docker
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
- clone this repo,
cd elk_cbt
docker-compose up -d
- name convention for cbt results directory (see pipeline/general.conf) -
:- branch - name of the branch (jewel, luminous or product ses5)
- tag - tag name or milestome name
- cluster - stable cluster config name - so you could identify what cluster you used for this test
- result_desc - additional info about test - maybe some additional parameters that aren't tracked in fio results
- create directories rados and librbd under LOGSTASH_DIR
- copy your cbt results directory to LOGSTASH_DIR/rados or to LOGSTASH_DIR/librbd
- be aware - logstash will delete all imported json files
- go to Kibana interface in web browser http://your_host:5601 (usually localhost)
- don't forget to change Time Filter in the right corner to something more sane (defaults to 15 Min) - maybe to "Year to date"
- use filters, searches and Time Range to filter and look for you data
docker-compose down
to stop containers- elasticsearch data would be stored in docker volume