Yii2 console command for making site backups and upload it to your dropbox account (Dropbox API v2).
composer require "demi/dropbox-backup" "~2.0"
To get started, configure backup component (you do not need to install it).
Then create new dropbox application and get dropbox AppKey and AppSecret.
Configure /console/config/main.php:
return [
'controllerMap' => [
'backup' => [
'class' => 'demi\backup\dropbox\BackupController',
// Name of \demi\backup\Component in Yii components.
// Default Yii::$app->backup
'backupComponent' => 'backup',
// Dropbox app identifier
'dropboxAppKey' => '65pwea8lqgbq5dm',
// Dropbox app secret
'dropboxAppSecret' => 'k2x0sl8a7wfj7h9',
// Access token for user which will be get up backups.
// To get this navigate to
// https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/info/<AppKey>
// and press OAuth 2: Generated access token button.
'dropboxAccessToken' => 'kFflkUk7K3AAAAAAAAAAEh2tNeQbPbOX8Z11wk0rSdFfYMb5B5VX6kTvkcWz5N8R',
// Path in the dropbox folder where would be saved backups
'dropboxUploadPath' => '/',
// If true: will be deleted files in the
// dropbox when $expiryTime has come
'autoDelete' => true,
// Number of seconds after which the file is
// considered deprecated and will be deleted.
'expiryTime' => 30 * 86400, // 30 days
// @see more options here [\console\controllers\BackupController]
Run console command:
php yii backup
It will generated current site backup(based on backup component) and upload it to your dropbox account.