The BPM engine would be used to execute all the processes deployed on it.
- Download Activiti from
- Install Java8, Tomcat server, MySQL server, Maven and Postman client on your local machine
- Clone this repository
- Create a new database by running command "create database activiti;" from within MySQL console
- Create a new database by running command "create database egov;" from within MySQL console
- Unzip the downloaded Activiti zip file
- Unzip the activiti-explorer.war file using "jar -xvf activiti-explorer.war" into a new directory activiti-explorer
- Go to WEB-INF/classes/ within the activiti-explorer directory
- Edit to point to your MySQL server and database
- Set db=mysql
- Set jdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- Set jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti
- Set jdbc.username=root
- Set jdbc.password=your-mysql-root-password
- Edit and make all properties in the demo data section, except 'create.demo.users', as 'false'
- Give command
mvn -DgroupId=mysql -DartifactId=mysql-connector-java -Dversion=6.0.3 -DrepoUrl="" dependency:get
- Copy file
to WEB-INF/lib directory - Copy the entire activiti-explorer directory to webapps directory of your Tomcat installation (Generally found at /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps)
- Start tomcat7 service, if not already running, by issuing "sudo service tomcat7 start" command.
- Go to localhost:8080/activiti-explorer and login using kermit/kermit
- Go to 'Manage' -> 'Groups' and create two new groups with id "alc" and "ro" respectively
- Go to 'Manage' -> 'Users' and create two new users 'vijay' and 'vaibhav'. Add vijay to group alc and vaibhav to group ro.
- Go to 'Manage' -> 'Deployments' -> 'Upload New' and upload the file 'app/src/test/resources/labor.bpmn20.xml' from the cloned repository.
- Copy the file in bpm-engine directory to /
- Edit / file to point to your MySQL server and your gmail account
- Edit the Storage section of / file to point to a directory on your filesystem where you have write access
- Run "mvn clean install -DskipTests" from bpm-engine directory
- Copy the generated bpm-engine.war file from the 'app/target' directory to the webapps directory of your Tomcat installation
- Visit http://localhost:8080/bpm-engine/swagger-ui.html and login using kermit/kermit
- Copy the generated frontend.war file from the 'frontend/target' directory to the webapps directory of your Tomcat installation
- Do a POST request on http://localhost:8080/frontend/user/register with following data
{ "firstName": "Admin", "lastName" : "Account", "phone" : 1234567890, "password" : "password" }
- Go to MySQL console, select 'egov' database by giving command 'use egov;' and give the following command 'update users set role="ADMIN";'
- Visit http://localhost:8080/frontend/swagger-ui.html and login using 1234567890/password