Java Maven library for generation of random processes and corresponding event logs. The library is mainly used in the PLG tool.
This library is published as Maven project. To install it, it is necessary to include the proper repository with:
And then the actual dependency:
Please, cite this work as:
- Andrea Burattin. "PLG2: Multiperspective Process Randomization with Online and Offline Simulations". In Online Proceedings of the BPM Demo Track 2016; Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; September, 18 2016; 2016.
Other relevant publications:
- Andrea Burattin. "PLG2: Multiperspective Processes Randomization and Simulation for Online and Offline Settings". In CoRR abs/1506.08415, Jun. 2015.
- Andrea Burattin and Alessandro Sperduti. "PLG: a Framework for the Generation of Business Process Models and their Execution Logs". In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2010); Stevens Institute of Technology; Hoboken, New Jersey, USA; September 13, 2010.10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_20.