Pushes stock price target notifications to Gotify
# PUSH_SERVER_URL is the URL your Gotify instance is accepting connections on.
export PUSH_SERVER_URL="https://push.mydomain.io/message?token=atoken"
# SYMBOLS is the symbols you want the stock-notifier to watch.
# <SYMBOL>_TARGETS is the price targets the stock-notifier should notify you for.
# Use the '-' postfix for less than the target or the '+' postfix for more than the target.
export ABC_TARGETS="121+,80-" # Will notify you when the price for ABC reaches more than 121 or less than 80.
export DEF_TARGETS="42-,44+" # Will notify you when the price for DEF reaches more than 44 or less than 42.
# Clone
git clone git@github.com:deifyed/stock-notifier.git && cd stock-notifier
# Build
go build main.go
# Run