The repository is no longer updated. Defi is turned into a monorepo:
CodeMirror binder creator for defi.js
The binder creator returns a binder which initializes and binds CodeMirror instance (created using fromTextArea
function) to a property.
npm i codemirror-binder
import { bindNode } from 'defi';
import codeMirrorBinder from 'codemirror-binder';
// ...
bindNode(obj, 'code', textarea, codeMirrorBinder());
For non-CJS environment the bundle can be downloaded at gh-pages branch.
In the browser environment the script exports a global variable codeMirrorBinder
<script src="path/to/codemirror-binder.min.js"></script>
The function accepts one argument: configuration object which is passed into the internal call of CodeMirror.fromTextArea
. Read the CodeMirror documentation for more info.
bindNode(obj, 'code', textarea, codeMirror({
lineNumbers: true,
mode: 'htmlmixed'