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Reference Architecture

Josh Brower edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

Reference Architecture

1) Generation & Collection of Logs

From the system designated as the Collector, logs are generated with the following batch file with the list.txt file containing hostnames of the target systems:

for /f %%a in (list.txt) do (
  psexec -accepteula \\%%a -c autorunsc.exe -accepteula -a * -s -m -t -h -ct * > Logs\%%a.csv

This batch file loops through the each hostname in list.txt using psexec to remotely connect and run autorunsc. It saves the results under a local folder called Logs. Each resulting csv is named according to the hostname of the target system (as specified in list.txt)

The following is a rundown of the flags in use:

  • -a * --> List out all autostart entries
  • -h --> Show file hashes
  • -m --> Hide Microsoft entries (verified)
  • -s --> Verify digital signatures
  • -ct --> Output to CSV, Tab delimited
    • --> Scan all user profiles on system

2) Normalization for Security Onion

A Powershell script normalizes the logs and appends them to the file, ar-normalized.log. The Powershell script can be found here:

3) Importation into Security Onion

The OSSEC agent on the Collector system has been set to read the normalized log file, with the following configuration:


The following parsers are being used for OSSEC & ELSA: