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Travis Risner edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Meeting Information

Travis 7/5/2019 Would it be easier for more people if we met on Monday at 6:00 pm at the North branch of the Columbus Public Library? The address is 1423 N. High St.

Shibye 7/7/2019 yah

Travis 07/08/2019 Hi Folks,

We met at the Northside branch of the Columbus Library tonight - at least Shelby, Harland and I did. Since others didn't show up, we are going to try again.

Next week we will meet at City Barbeque again. This time it will be Monday night starting at 6:30. Yes, some of you will have to battle with traffic. Other will find that this interferes with supper and/or family time. Hopefully this will be better for some of you.

If you have alternative suggestions, please share it with the team.

Thanks, Travis

shibye 7/15/2019 noice

Travis 7/18/2019 Although only Shelby, Harland and I showed up, this seemed to be a bit better for the participants. Unless I hear from anybody else, we will continue to meet at City Barbeque in Westerville on Monday nights at 6:30.

Jeff 7/18/2019 Sounds good. I might be able to come once or twice in the next few weeks. The kids swim lessons are done the first week of August, so I could come more regularly after that

Travis 7/21/2019 Jeff, we look forward to seeing you when you can come. If there is something you want to submit, please submit a pull request to the dev channel. Thanks! Our next meeting is tomorrow (Mon. July 22) at City Barbeque at 6:30. (Purchase not required.)

Jeff 7/28/2019 Are we meeting tomorrow, since the monthly meeting was called off?

Travis 7/31/2019 Yes we did. We will meet again every Monday evening at 6:30 unless a notice is posted here.

Travis 8/6/2019 We (Shelby, Jeff A. and I met today at City Barbecue. Shelby plans on developing the maintenance for Product Category if her new job leave any time left. Jeff plans on adding Selenium to the testing suite. I plan on fleshing out more of the manual box management. These are intentions, not commitments.

harland.hansen 08/11/2019 Since Travis is out of town we will not meet tomorrow.

Jeff 08/11/2019 I wasn't going to be able to make tomorrow either. I'll also miss the 19th. I hope to be more regular after that

Travis 08/31/2019 FYI. we will not be meeting Monday, September 2. The weekly meetings at 6:30 will resume Monday, September 9.

Travis 09/12/2019 Meetings have resumed on Monday nights at 6:30. We are meeting at the City Barbeque in Westerville. If this is inconvenient for you, please let me know of a better time and we can arrange to meet separately.

Jeff 09/16/2019 FYI, I will not be attending tonight's meeting. See you all next week!

Travis 09/28/2019 Please note - there will be no meeting of this inventory project next Monday (Sept. 30) due to the monthly COhPy meeting at Pillar.

Travis 10/01/2019 As I indicated in my email, I will not be able to join the Monday meetings again until Oct. 21. If you wish to meet with out me (which hopefully you will), please arrange it here or by email.

Jeff 10/02/2019 That'll be my first chance to come back to the meetings as well

Travis 10/19/2019 We will definitely be meeting at City Barbeque next Monday (Oct. 21) at 6:30. Hope to see everybody then!

Jeff 11/04/2019 I had some things come up this week and won't be able to make it. I expect to be back next week (if we're meeting on Veteran's Day)

Travis 11/13/2019 Sorry I didn't update this sooner. Yes we met on Veteran's Day. City Barbeque was packed. Should be back to normal next week.

Jeff 11/25/2019 I won't be attending tonight, but I do hope to have a PR ready in the next few days with some more tests

Travis 11/25/2019 For those that are able, we will continue to meet each Monday evening at 6:30. There is a Monday in December that COhPy meets. We will not meet that night. I will put the exact date here later. COhPy meets December 9 so we will not have an inventory project meeting that night.

shlbye 12/23/2019 For those wondering, we are not meeting to tonight (dec 23)

shlbye 12/29/2019 Are we meeting tomorrow night?

Travis 12/30/2019 My bad for not looking at Discord earlier. Yes, we are meeting tonight (Dec. 30) at 6:30.

Jeff 12/30/2019 Happy New Year everybody. I'll see you in 2020!

Travis 01/17/2020 Officially our meeting at City Barbeque on Monday nights starts at 6:30. However, I am usually there by 4:30 or so. If you wish to come sooner, please feel free to do so. As always, you are not required to purchase anything at City BBQ.

Jeff 01/26/2020 Just a reminder, tomorrow is the monthly COhPy meeting

dmcalloway 01/26/2020 Will you be at the meeting Tomorrow?

shlbye 01/27/2020 yes.

Jeff 01/27/2020 Also yes 😂

Travis 02/01/2020 We will be meeting again at City Barbeque at 6:30 on Monday Feb. 3. Please come if you are able.

Travis 02/25/2020 Since there is no DoJo this week, let's meet at City Barbeque (Westerville) this Thursday. I will probably be there by 6:00 pm, but come when you can. I will stick around until closing (9:00 pm). 😎

dmcalloway 02/25/2020 K

shlbye 02/27/2020 Sorry I will be there, even if just for a minute

shlbye 03/09/2020 We have the south screen room upstairs in the westerville library from 1 to 6. It can only hold so many people though so let me know if you want to come. Damien and I already will be there

shlbye 03/15/2020 I don't think we are meeting tomorrow.....

Axios Ohio, Illinois order bars and restaurants to close due to coronavirus It's a drastic step to enforce social distancing.

dmcalloway 03/15/2020 Shall we try to meet in Discord ? Voice chat thru Discord totally works, btw

shlbye 03/15/2020 Just tap General under Voice Chat

Travis 03/16/2020 Discord just came back up. Meet me in the voice channel if you can.

shlbye 03/16/2020 If you need me I'll keep checking discord

Travis 03/19/2020 We will try to meet each week here on Discord on Monday nights at 6:30 - 9:00 or so. Join when you can.


shlbye04/06/2020 I will join this Monday meeting a little later - still got some work to do

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