Releases: deepfence/cloud-scanner
Releases · deepfence/cloud-scanner
Full Changelog: v2.5.1...v2.5.2
What's Changed
- Support disabling some AWS regions by @ramanan-ravi in #43
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
What's Changed
- Fix refresh status in organization deployment by @ramanan-ravi in #37
- EKS cluster IAM role - support cluster in different account from where CloudFormation is deployed by @ramanan-ravi in #38
- Bump to golang 1.23 by @ramanan-ravi in #40
- Option to disable cloudtrail based updates by @ramanan-ravi in #41
- Generate cloud scanner installation id if not present by @ramanan-ravi in #42
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.5.0
What's Changed
- add instructions to run cloud scanner on eks for single account by @gnmahanth in #21
- add instructions to run cloud scanner on eks for single account by @gnmahanth in #22
- handle service account creds for aws eks cluster by @gnmahanth in #23
- add cloudformation templates to create the eks service account roles by @gnmahanth in #24
- update docs link by @gnmahanth in #25
- Cloud scanner support in EKS by @ramanan-ravi in #26
- add cloudformation scripts to setup roles for ec2 cloudscanner by @gnmahanth in #27
- add support for extra env vars, required for azure by @gnmahanth in #28
- Cloud scanner k8s role cf template by @ramanan-ravi in #31
- Cloud scanner resources refresh progress by @ramanan-ravi in #29
- GCP Service Account Credential as docker env variable for cloud scanner by @shyam0904a in #32
- Fixed GCP Scanner for Single Project utlizing ENV credentials by @shyam0904a in #33
- Removes query resources which require where clauses and removes deprecated field by @tektite-io in #35
- Fixed edge case where if org deployment is not true and env credenti… by @shyam0904a in #34
- Save GCP credentials to file on startup by @ramanan-ravi in #36
New Contributors
- @shyam0904a made their first contribution in #32
- @tektite-io made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4.0
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
What's Changed
- Update readme by @ramanan-ravi in #1
- fix-sdk-submodule: Fixing the git submodule by @varunsharma0286 in #2
- add new field category_hierarchy_short by @gnmahanth in #3
- add new field category_hierarchy_short by @gnmahanth in #4
- increase job count when refresh happens by @noboruma in #6
- In Organization deployment fetch the list of monitored accounts dynamically by @ramanan-ravi in #5
- Fix by @noboruma in #8
- downgrade go version by @noboruma in #9
- Remove cloud scanner controls from register api by @ramanan-ravi in #7
- Fetch cloud resources periodically by @ramanan-ravi in #10
- Organization cloudformation for self-hosted by @ramanan-ravi in #11
- Azure tenant - multiple subscriptions by @ramanan-ravi in #12
- Fetch GCP and Azure organizations dynamically by @ramanan-ravi in #13
- Cloud resources refresh status by @ramanan-ravi in #14
- Cloud refresh count is handled separately from scan count by @ramanan-ravi in #15
- Skip resource refresh from cloudtrail if full refresh is already scheduled by @ramanan-ravi in #16
- In single account use the AWS credentials resolver to get the current credentials instead of credentials profile by @ramanan-ravi in #17
- Update steampipe by @ramanan-ravi in #18
- Fix cloud resource table columns by @ramanan-ravi in #19
- fix type HIPPA to HIPAA by @gnmahanth in #20
New Contributors
- @ramanan-ravi made their first contribution in #1
- @varunsharma0286 made their first contribution in #2
- @gnmahanth made their first contribution in #3
- @noboruma made their first contribution in #6
Full Changelog: