This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.
npm install
npm start
Install Xcode from Mac Apple Store
Press i to open ios emulator
npm install -g exp
exp send // Enter your mobile number or e-mail
Install expo on your iPhone
Open the link that received in email on your iPhone.(Make sure you installed expo first)
I have to use Expo 27.0.0 which is Beta version. Because of this bug under React 16.3.0-alpha.1
Context api in React 16.3.0-alpha.1
will cause FlatList only show 10 item.
此项目使用React-Native、React-Navigation和Antd-Design-Mobile制作而成。 同时使用了React-Native原生组件作为练习。 使用了React 16加入的Context Api代替Redux。 expo框架主要是用作推送通知和获取系统权限。