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❄️ Nix Config ❄️

Stargazers NixOSVersion



I use this system as my daily driver. While it is stable enough for my needs, it is still a work in progress.


Category Apps
Window Manager Hyprland c++   /   Sway c   /   SwayFx c
Display Manager greetd rust  +  tuigreet rust
Terminal Emulator Alacritty rust
Shell Zsh c  +  PowerLevel10K shell
Bar Waybar c++
Application Launcher anyrun rust
File Manager Yazi rust  +  thunar c
Filesystem Btrfs c  +  disko nix  &  impermanence nix
Text Editor Neovim lua  +  AstroNvim lua
Notification Daemon SwayNotificationCenter vala
Screenshot Software grim c  +  grimblast shell   +   satty rust
Screen Recording OBS c  +  wl-screenrec rust
Fonts JetBrainsMono Nerd fonts css
Image Viewer imv c
Media Player mpv c
Music Player Spotify electron
Network management tool NetworkManager c
System resource monitor Btop c++


screenshot1 screenshot2


Catppuccin Mocha theme with blue accent.


See home/features/desktop/theme/catppuccin.nix file which defines base16 colors + other theme colors with nix-colors

Color Labels base16 Hex RGB HSL
rosewater rosewater base06 #f5e0dc rgb(245, 224, 220) hsl(10, 56%, 91%)
flamingo flamingo base0F #f2cdcd rgb(242, 205, 205) hsl(0, 59%, 88%)
pink pink #f5c2e7 rgb(245, 194, 231) hsl(316, 72%, 86%)
mauve mauve base0E #cba6f7 rgb(203, 166, 247) hsl(267, 84%, 81%)
red red base08 #f38ba8 rgb(243, 139, 168) hsl(343, 81%, 75%)
maroon maroon #eba0ac rgb(235, 160, 172) hsl(350, 65%, 77%)
peach peach base09 #fab387 rgb(250, 179, 135) hsl(23, 92%, 75%)
yellow yellow base0A #f9e2af rgb(249, 226, 175) hsl(41, 86%, 83%)
green green base0B #a6e3a1 rgb(166, 227, 161) hsl(115, 54%, 76%)
teal teal base0C #94e2d5 rgb(148, 226, 213) hsl(170, 57%, 73%)
sky sky #89dceb rgb(137, 220, 235) hsl(189, 71%, 73%)
sapphire sapphire #74c7ec rgb(116, 199, 236) hsl(199, 76%, 69%)
blue blue base0D #89b4fa rgb(137, 180, 250) hsl(217, 92%, 76%)
lavender lavender base07 #b4befe rgb(180, 190, 254) hsl(232, 97%, 85%)
text text base05 #cdd6f4 rgb(205, 214, 244) hsl(226, 64%, 88%)
subtext1 subtext1 #bac2de rgb(186, 194, 222) hsl(227, 35%, 80%)
subtext0 subtext0 #a6adc8 rgb(166, 173, 200) hsl(228, 24%, 72%)
overlay2 overlay2 #9399b2 rgb(147, 153, 178) hsl(228, 17%, 64%)
overlay1 overlay1 #7f849c rgb(127, 132, 156) hsl(230, 13%, 55%)
overlay0 overlay0 #6c7086 rgb(108, 112, 134) hsl(231, 11%, 47%)
surface2 surface2 base04 #585b70 rgb(88, 91, 112) hsl(233, 12%, 39%)
surface1 surface1 base03 #45475a rgb(69, 71, 90) hsl(234, 13%, 31%)
surface0 surface0 base02 #313244 rgb(49, 50, 68) hsl(237, 16%, 23%)
base base base00 #1e1e2e rgb(30, 30, 46) hsl(240, 21%, 15%)
mantle mantle base01 #181825 rgb(24, 24, 37) hsl(240, 21%, 12%)
crust crust #11111b rgb(17, 17, 27) hsl(240, 23%, 9%)



I have documented these setup instructions for myself and I may or may not have missed some setup steps. I would advise using parts of my config that are helpful for you instead of fully installing it :)

Run this command to setup nixos on your drive.

# Checkout repo
git clone
# cd into dir
cd nixos
# Format your disk with disko
# Note: Replace `/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WDS240G2G0C-00AJM0_205130900427` with your drive to format it with disko and install nixos on the drive.
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko ./hosts/zephyrion/disk-config.nix --arg device '"/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WDS240G2G0C-00AJM0_205130900427"'
# Make sure /mnt got formatted correctly with disko
# Install nixos
sudo nixos-install --root /mnt --no-root-password --show-trace --verbose --flake .#zephyrion

# (Optional) Move your persist data if you are cloning your nixos to another drive
# Once installed, make sure /mnt has your desired directory structure
# Boot into your nixos drive
# Clone persisted home data and other dirs similary with rsync
rsync -avh --progress /mnt/@persist/home/deep/ /home/deep/


Awesome setups

List of awesome configs I used to build my config:

Impermanence Resources