Git: 2.47.1
Spring Boot: 3.4.1
Maven: 3.9+
Java: 17
git clone
cd spring-boot-3-testing-web-complete
./mvnw clean test
./mvnw clean verify
./mvnw clean verify -DskipUnitTests=true
./mvnw clean verify -DskipITs=true
./mvnw compiler:testCompile resources:testResources surefire:test
./mvnw compiler:testCompile resources:testResources failsafe:integration-test
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Validation
- Flyway Migration
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: