The Library Management System is a comprehensive application developed using Java and Spring Boot, designed to streamline library operations by managing books, users, and transactions. This project provides robust features to facilitate library management through a user-friendly interface.
- Author Management: CRUD operations for managing author information.
- Book Management: Comprehensive management of book records, including title, author, and availability.
- User Management: Handling user information and their interactions with the library system.
- Transaction Management: Managing the borrowing and returning of books, tracking user transactions.
- Validation and Security: Input validation with Jakarta Bean Validation and securing application endpoints with Spring Security.
- Caching: Utilizing Redis for caching frequently accessed data.
- Testing: Unit and integration tests to ensure reliability and correctness.
- API Documentation: Detailed documentation of API endpoints.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- H2 (for testing)
- Redis
- Maven
- Jakarta Bean Validation
- Spring Security
- JUnit
- Spring Boot Starter Test
- Mockito
Author Management
- Create Author:
POST /api/authors
- Get Author:
GET /api/authors/{id}
- Update Author:
PUT /api/authors/{id}
- Delete Author:
DELETE /api/authors/{id}
- Create Author:
Book Management
- Add Book:
POST /api/books
- Get Book:
GET /api/books/{id}
- Update Book:
PUT /api/books/{id}
- Delete Book:
DELETE /api/books/{id}
- Add Book:
User Management
- Register User:
POST /api/users
- Get User:
GET /api/users/{id}
- Register User:
Transaction Management
- Borrow Book:
POST /api/transactions/borrow
- Return Book:
POST /api/transactions/return
- Borrow Book:
For detailed API documentation, you can use tools like Swagger or Postman. Ensure to provide sample requests and responses for better clarity.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature-branch
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add new feature"
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature-branch
- Create a Pull Request.
For any queries, feel free to reach out:
- Name: Deepak Sharma
- Email:
- GitHub: deepaksharmaNNN