Install Ivanti HEAT using a nuget package for Windows.
Microsoft Windows 2008+
heat_serveraddress: ""
heat_modulelist: "VulnerabilityManagement"
- hosts: platform_windows
- { role: deekayen.ivanti_heat }
This package wraps the Ivanti HEAT Agent exe in a nuget package so that the win_chocolately Ansible module can install it.
- Install chocolatey within your local PowerShell installation
- Add your Nuget API key into your chocolatey configuration
- Download the agent installer msi and store it in the tools subfolder as the name dotNetAgentSteup.Msi
- Update the ivanti-heat-agent.nuspec element with the specific version of the agent downloads
- Open PowerShell and navigate to the same folder where the .nuspec file exists
- Run chocolatey pack command:
choco pack
- You can test this package on a server by either running the the chocolatey commands manually or by using the win_chocolatey Ansible module manually, or through Ansible Tower/AWX adhoc commands.
- Push the package to the nexus repo
choco push .\Ivanti.HEAT. -source
The package takes to arguments which can be passed via Ansible params element on the the win_chocolatey module
- determines what server to point to for configuration - defaults to ""/HeatModuleList:
- What modules to install - defaults to "VulnerabilityManagement"