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Algorithms Lab - Fall 2023

Code Expert exercises from the Algorithms Lab course at ETH Zürich.


A modified version of the script is used for my specific setup, hence no portability is guaranteed. The script is meant to be used as specified by its documentation.

Problem Set

Problem Solution Week Type
Build the Sum build_the_sum.cpp Week 1 ---
Dominoes dominoes.cpp Week 1 ---
Even pairs even_pairs.cpp Week 1 Combinatorics
Even Matrices even_matrices.cpp Week 1 Combinatorics
Deck of Cards deck_of_cards.cpp POTW 2 SW
Burning Coins burning_coins.cpp Week 2 DP
Beach Bars beach_bars.cpp Week 2 SW
The Great Game the_great_game.cpp Week 2 Minimax + DP
Lord Voldemort lord_voldemort.cpp Week 2 DP + Precompute
JamesBondSovereigns james_bond_sovereigns.cpp POTW 3 DP
FirstStepsBGL first_steps_bgl.cpp Week 3 Dijkstra + MST
BuddySelection buddy_selection.cpp Week 3 Maximum Matching
ImportantBridges important_bridges.cpp Week 3 Biconnected Components
AntChallenge ant_challenge.cpp Week 3 Dijkstra + Prim MST
IronIslands iron_islands.cpp POTW 4 SW
Hit hit.cpp Week 4 CGAL geometry
FirstHit first_hit.cpp Week 4 "Smarter" Hit
Antenna antenna.cpp Week 4 Min Circle
HikingMaps hiking_maps.cpp Week 4 Orientations
PlanetExpress planet_express.cpp POTW 5 SCC + Dijkstra
MovingBooks moving_books.cpp Week 5 Greedy
AsterixTheGaul asterix_the_gaul.cpp Week 5 Split&List + BS
SeverusSnape severus_snape.cpp Week 5 Greedy + DP
Boats boats.cpp Week 5 Greedy
Motorcycles motorcycles.cpp POTW 6 CGAL geometry
Tiles tiles.cpp Week 6 MaxFlow
London london.cpp Week 6 MaxFlow
CoinTossingTournament coin_tossing_tournament.cpp Week 6 MaxFlow
Knights knights.cpp Week 6 MaxFlow
Octopussy octopussy.cpp POTW 7 Greedy + DFS
Bistro bistro.cpp Week 7 Delaunay
Germs germs.cpp Week 7 Delaunay
H1N1 h1n1.cpp Week 7 Delaunay + PrioQueue
GoldenEye goldeneye.cpp Week 7 Delaunay + UF (EMST-like)
KingdomDefence kingdom_defence.cpp POTW 8 Supply/Demand MaxFlow
WhatIsTheMaximum what_is_the_maximum.cpp Week 8 CGAL LP
Suez suez.cpp Week 8 CGAL LP
Inball inball.cpp Week 8 CGAL LP + LinAlg
Diet diet.cpp Week 8 CGAL LP
Idefix idefix.cpp POTW 9 Delaunay + UF + BS
Canteen canteen.cpp Week 9 MinCostMaxFlow
PlacingKnights placing_knights.cpp Week 9 Bipartite MaxIS
RealEstateMarket real_estate_market.cpp Week 9 MinCostMaxFlow
Algocoon algocoon.cpp Week 9 MinCut
Lannister lannister.cpp POTW 10 CGAL LP
SanFrancisco san_francisco.cpp Week 10 DP
RubeusHagrid rubeus_hagrid.cpp Week 10 Greedily Sorted DFS
SurveillancePhotograph surveillance_photograph.cpp Week 10 MaxFlow
Clues clues.cpp Week 10 CC + Bipartite
India india.cpp POTW 11 MinCostMaxFlow + BS
AsterixChariotRace asterix_chariot_race.cpp Week 11 DP
DeanThomas dean_thomas.cpp Week 11 Delaunay + PrioQueue
Legions legions.cpp Week 11 CGAL LP + LinAlg
PhantomMenace phantom_menace.cpp Week 11 MinimumCut
PiedPiper pied_piper.cpp POTW 12 DP
NewYork new_york.cpp Week 12 SW + PrioQ
ReturnOfTheJedi return_of_the_jedi.cpp Week 12 2nd-best MST
Rumpelstitskin rumpelstitskin.cpp Week 12 Max Weighted Matching
WorldCup world_cup.cpp Week 12 CGAL LP + Delaunay
Schneewittchen schneewittchen.cpp POTW 13 CGAL LP + DFS
AugeanStables augean_stables.cpp Week 13 BS + LP (85/100)
CasinoRoyale casino_royale.cpp Week 13 MinCostMaxFlow
DHL dhl.cpp Week 13 DP
FightingPitsOfMeeren fighting_pits_of_meeren.cpp Week 13
OnHerMajestySecretService on_her_majesty_secret_service.cpp POTW 14 Dijkstra + BS + MaxFlow


These are my solutions for the exam problems. Since from the exam paper I was only able to retrieve the sample tests, there is no correctness guarantee on these rewrites. The original versions scored full points, save for Croquet for which I can only guarantee a 75/100 score.

Overall, the exam was much simpler than the general course content, and on top of the guaranteed repeat problems, MadTeaParty was also a near clone of PlacingKnights. The most challenging problem was by far Croquet, although it was possible to pick up a lot of points through individual cases.

Part 1

Problem Solution Type
Croquet croquet.cpp Delaunay + Dijkstra
QueenOfHearts queen_of_hearts.cpp Dijkstra + MinimumCut
DownTheRabbitHole down_the_rabbit_hole.cpp RubeusHagrid Clone

Part 2

Problem Solution Type
RabbitClan rabbit_clan.cpp DP
MadTeaParty mad_tea_party.cpp Bipartite MaxIS
Chronosphere chronosphere.cpp Legions Clone

Previous Years

This is a collection of problems for the previous years I used to prepare for the exam.


Problem Solution Type
AsterixInSwitzerland asterix_in_switzerland.cpp MaxFlow
CarSharing car_sharing.cpp MinCostMaxFlow
CeryneianHind ceryneian_hind.cpp
EmpireStrikesBack empire_strikes_back.cpp CGAL LP + Delaunay
Evolution evolution.cpp BS
FleetRace fleet_race.cpp MinCostMaxFlow
LightTheStage light_the_stage.cpp BS + Delaunay
LudoBagman ludo_bagman.cpp MinCostMaxFlow
Marathon marathon.cpp MultiPath Dijkstra + MF
NewTiles new_tiles.cpp
RevengeOfTheSith revenge_of_the_sith.cpp BS(really cool) + UF
SearchSnippets search_snippets.cpp
ShoppingTrip shopping_trip.cpp
TheHandTourney the_hand_tourney.cpp BS + UF (hardcoded ifs)
TheNemeanLion the_nemean_lion.cpp
Tracking tracking.cpp Dijkstra


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