Releases: decryller/wraith
Wraith v1.0.0
[+] Terminal title now sets to "Wraith v1.0.0" at launch
[+] Contributing wiki page.
[/] Updated from rvmt unreleased to 2.0
[/] Updated from alma 1.0 to 1.1
[/] Since pixel-scale sliders are gone, an optional text input mode has been added for sliders.
[/] Minor variable renaming.
[-] None
Wraith v1.0a
[+] Self-Destruct | Wraith will stop and delete itself. If you run Wraith inside a folder named "wraith", it will also delete the folder. I recommend reading the "Bypass" section of the wiki to learn more about this.
[+] Error at launch messages | If wraith fails to launch, it will now print an error message saying what happened.
[+] Support for Forge 1.8.9
[/] Minor autoclicker randomization change, should click a bit more now. Click range has also been minimally increased.
[-] None