The @dcl/urn-resolver library resolves asset URNs within the urn:decentraland
namespace, following the definitions outlined in the common-metaverse/urn-namespaces repository. It supports both on-chain and off-chain assets, such as LAND, wearables, and collections.
Install the package using npm
npm i @dcl/urn-resolver
Example for how to parse a URN using the library:
import { parseUrn } from '@dcl/urn-resolver'
const parsed = await parseUrn("urn:decentraland:sepolia:LAND:-10,-13?atBlock=151231111")
uri: URL {
href: 'urn:decentraland:sepolia:LAND:-10,-13?atBlock=151231111',
protocol: 'urn:',
pathname: 'decentraland:sepolia:LAND:-10,-13',
search: '?atBlock=151231111',
searchParams: URLSearchParams { 'atBlock' => '151231111' }
blockchain: 'ethereum',
type: 'blockchain-asset',
network: 'sepolia',
contractAddress: '0x7a73483784ab79257bb11b96fd62a2c3ae4fb75b',
id: '0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff6fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3',
x: -10,
y: -13
: Resolve static offchain assets (i.e. base wearables, not in any blockchain)decentraland:{network}:collections-v1:{contract(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)}:{name}
: Resolve an ethereum wearables collection asset by contract address (v1)decentraland:{network}:collections-v1:{contract(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)}:{name}:{tokenId}
: Resolve an ethereum wearable item from collections v1 by contract address and token iddecentraland:{network}:collections-v1:{collection-name}:{name}
: Resolve an ethereum wearables collection asset by collection name (wearables API) (v1)decentraland:{network}:collections-v1:{collection-name}:{name}:{tokenId}
: Resolve an ethereum wearable item from collections v1 by collection name and token iddecentraland:{network}:collections-v2:{contract(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)}:{id}
: Resolve an ethereum wearables collection asset by contract address (v2)decentraland:{network}:collections-v2:{contract(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)}:{id}:{tokenId}
: Resolve an ethereum wearable item from collections v2 by contract address and token iddecentraland:{network}:LAND:{x},{y}
: Resolves the ethereum asset of a LAND position.decentraland:{network}:LAND:{tokenId}
: Resolves the ethereum asset of a LAND by tokenId.decentraland:{network}:collections-thirdparty:{thirdPartyName}
: Resolves the ethereum asset of a third party provider, currently only supported on polygondecentraland:{network}:collections-thirdparty:{thirdPartyName}:{collectionId}
: Resolves the ethereum asset of a third party collection, currently only supported on polygondecentraland:{network}:collections-thirdparty:{thirdPartyName}:{collectionId}:{itemId}
: Resolves the ethereum asset of a third party collection asset, currently only supported on polygondecentraland:{network}:collections-thirdparty:{thirdPartyName}:{collectionId}:{itemId}:{nftChain}:{nftContractAddress(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)}:{nftTokenId([0-9]+)}
: Resolves the ethereum asset of a third party collection item, currently only supported on polygon
It is an union type defined in the file src/types.ts, in that file you can find all the possible return types for URN resolution in this package.
We welcome contributions! Follow the steps below to set up the project for development.
You will need to install jq
. If you are using MacOS you can install it by running: brew install jq
The lib is being built with node 18.x.
yarn build
yarn test