Ansible setup playbooks for workstation or server. Freely inspired by dschier-wtd/fedora-workstation.
The playbooks are designed to be used:
- on a localhost via
for the workstation playbook - or on remote hosts using an inventory for the server playbooks
- a RH-based workstation or server / a Debian-based workstation or server
- Ansible
- Python 3 psutil package
$ sudo dnf install ansible python3-psutil -y
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install ansible python3-psutil -y
Before running the actual playboook, it is needed to install required roles and collections. This can be done with a simple command:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
# Check run and show diffs
ansible-playbook --check --diff -K playbooks/workstation/configure.yml -e "hosts_group=localhost"
# Execute the playbook
ansible-playbook -K playbooks/workstation/configure.yml -e "hosts_group=localhost"
First create your inventory, for instance:
cat > ./inventory.yml <<EOF
ansible_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 # the key used to connect to the hosts, not the one to authorize for users
ansible_user: root # the user to connect to the hosts to configure them, not the one used to connect to them
hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" # will use the "<hostname>" defined at the "all/children/<group>/hosts/<hostname>" inventory path
timezone: "Europe/Paris" # the timezone for the server
# Features
feature_docker: true # add Docker packages (users with docker flag will be able to use it)
feature_ohmyzsh: true # install Oh My Zsh
oh_my_zsh_theme: ys # the theme for Oh My Zsh
users: # users to create (or update) and their configuration
- username: root
- username: mathieu
sudoernopassword: true
docker: true
scaleway: # a group to categorize your hosts (e.g. the Cloud provider is 'scaleway')
hetzner: # a group to categorize your hosts (e.g. the Cloud provider is 'hetzner')
ansible_host: 2a01:4ff:123:456::2
# Hetzner rescue mode installation (optional)
hetzner_install_disk_by_id_pattern: "*SAMSUNG*"
hetzner_install_image: Debian-1202-bookworm-amd64-base.tar.gz
# Features
feature_wireguard_4in6_tunnel: true # copy wgclient.conf file in ansible/roles/wireguard_4in6_tunnel/files directory
# Check run and show diffs
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml --check --diff ansible/playbooks/server/configure.yml
# Execute the playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml ansible/playbooks/server/configure.yml
If using Hetzner hosts with rescue mode enabled, install and configure the hosts automatically:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml ansible/playbooks/hetzner/install.yml ansible/playbooks/server/configure.yml --limit 'hetzner'
If a host is not in rescue mode, the installation playbook will be ignored silently
- Install this collection and its requirements:
ansible-galaxy collection install debovema.ansible_setup
ansible-playbook debovema.ansible_setup.meta.requirements
- Retrieve your inventory from a custom Ansible setup inventory repository (for instance: debovema/ansible_setup_inventory), created with the Ansible setup inventory template:
git clone ~/.ansible_setup_inventory
- Execute the server configuration playbook:
cd ~/.ansible_setup_inventory
ansible-playbook debovema.ansible_setup.server.configure all