Wall api is a backend app built with Ruby on Rails 7.
Referring frontend app can be found here.
Devise and Devise-JWT were used for the authentication flow.
Wall app relies on some environment variables in order to operate correctly.
For running it locally, create a .env
file with same variables as .env.example.
To generate DEVISE_JWT_SECRET_KEY you can use
docker compose run --rm web rake secret
after setting docker.
The simplest way to run the app is with Docker & Docker Compose.
Current services:
- Rails
- Postgres
port 5432
- MailCatcher
Build Docker images from the Dockerfile:
%> docker compose build
Create, migrate and seed database:
%> docker compose run --rm web bin/rails db:setup
Running server:
%> docker compose up
Stop containers and remove containers, networks, volumes, and images
%> docker compose down
Wall api uses RSpec.
%> docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rspec
The api is hosted on Heroku at https://wall-api.herokuapp.com/
If you are testing the sign up confirmation email in production, please also check your spam box.