Welcome to Deal Engine's Scala Rodeo.
This material is intended for you to learn the basic of scala and some common functional idioms.
Along the way you will find some Exercises, requiring you to change some code in order to practice some concepts.
- Install Nix
- (Optional) Enable Flakes support
- (Optional) Install direnv
- Clone this repository
If using direnv: Allow this repository. Else: Enter the Nix Shell using nix develop
, unless you are not using flakes, then
nix-shell shell.nix
The first thing to do is to install Nix. This is a package manager. It will allow you to download dependencies in an isolated way.
The new recomended way of installation for both Linux and macOS is this one:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix | sh -s -- install
To install Nix in Linux run (using the official installer):
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon
In macOS (Darwin) don't use --daemon
(using the official installer):
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install)
For more information about Nix installation you can check their documentation.
If you are using NixOS, you already have Nix installed.
Flakes is a feature in the Nix package manager. It allows us to create isolated environments.
To enable Flakes:
- In Linux/macOS:
mkdir -p ~/.config/nix/ && echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
We recommend using direnv to enter the environment in an easier way.
You can install it using flakes:
nix profile install nixpkgs#direnv
Now add the hook to your ~/.zshrc
if using ZSH:
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
For bash is similar:
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
Clone this repository to begin the Scala Rodeo.
git clone https://github.com/deal-engine/rodeo.git
If you are using direnv you can just enter the repository and it will
enter the nix shell unless it's your first time. For security reasons
direnv will ask you to allow the environment. If it doesn't you can
allow it with direnv allow
Otherwise you can enter the environment using the command:
nix develop
Unless you are not using flakes, then you need to use nix-shell shell.nix
To exit the environment either exit the shell or exit the directory if you are using direnv.
You will be presented with something like this:
### ️🔨 Welcome to the Nix devshell ###
Available commands:
## Commands
, editor : Run a preconfigured VSCode.
, editor-setup : Setup the editor.
, readme : Read the readme.
, tests : Run the Rodeo tests.
(Run ',' to display this menu again)
IntelliJ it's recommended. but we have included a functional VS Code editor with support for scala.
You can open it with , editor
command. Unless it's your first time,
you will need to setup the environment first. You can do it with the
, editor-setup
Once you have opened the editor you can open the src
folder. You will
find the source code of the Rodeo.
You can read the README with , readme
Once you are finished you can exit the environment with exit
You can run the tests with the , tests
Tests are here to check your exercises.
You can run the tests with , tests
This is syntactic sugar for mill -w rodeo.test
You can run a specific test by running mill -w rodeo.test -t "something"
where something
is a tag that matches over all the tests.
For example, you can run all the tests related to the Option
exercises with mill -w rodeo.test -t "Option"
Happy rodeeeoooooo! 🤠🏇🏻