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Albert Tregnaghi edited this page Jun 7, 2019 · 5 revisions
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Upgrade problems when having Jenkins Editor installed

Installation of EGradle is/was problematic when Jenkins Editor<1.6.0 was installed.

With Version 1.6.0 Jenkins Editor has become independent from EGradle installation. (See Milestone 1.6.0)

So do following, when you have both plugins installed and having problems to upgrade EGralde:

  • Install newest Jenkins Editor plugin (>=1.6.0) by eclipse marketplace

  • After this is done, install new EGradle version

  • Done …​

(You will never have those EGradle update problems after Jenkins Editor >1.6.x has been installed.)

Why EGradle?


2016 my team (at work) decided to migrate our existing big enterprise project ant build to gradle. So we tried out different IDE implementations (for eclipse) and became frustrated when often having problems when using console and eclipse in parallel (e.g. a gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse did destroy the existing workspace because the used eclipse integrations did not define eclipse projects in gradle way but by their own which were not created in same way by gradle … )

I just wanted to have a simple integration of the most needed parts for development: - a good editor, - console and eclipse should not battle each other… - unit tests should be executable in eclipse style but should be executed by gradle - have full access to build results - launch-configurations - some validation, - information about build problems - with direct error markup in editor - …

This was the time I started the development of my own plugin: EGradle.

What does EGradle do different than other IDEs ?

There are other gradle integrations for Eclipse (Gradle IDE, Buildship, …). So why just another one? EGradle does it in another way than other integrations: - Console world and Eclipse world are same. No special imports necessary, no additional classpath behaviours, eclipse natures etc. Just plain gradle usage. Your are always able to call gradle with "cleanEclipse eclipse" and import the generated eclipse project descriptons - Comes with an own, powerful editor (outline view, code completion, hyperlinking ,…) - EGradle ist more or less a simple UI wrapper for gradle with some extra functions. - It is a bridge between eclipse and console but the main logic is still inside gradle - Still lightweight: no trying to analyze gradle scripts. If you want to know which task you can execute please call "tasks" by quick launch - Reusing existing views, concepts and integrations - e.g. Junit test results are shown in Junit View - Uses KISS pattern (keep it simple stupid) in conjuction with being fast and comfortable

What are the features of EGradle?

Please look into Features overview

What has changed between releases, what’s new?

Please look into Release history

What does it need to run?

  • Eclipse Neon (or newer)

  • Java 8

Which License has EGradle?

EGradle is under Apache 2.0 license (

I see no build folder - where is it?

You must execute a gradle task before, so build folders will be created. If build folders are not shown after task is done, the project has to be refreshed manually. Prior to EGradle 1.3.1 the import did not execute `assemble`so no build folders were created automatically.

My working sets do no longer contain my gradle projects after reimport?

Prior to EGradle 2.1.0 projects already defined at workingsets where removed on re-import. Update to >=2.1.0 and you no longer got this problem.

I get no updates from Eclipse Marketplace - how can I fix this?

  • Check your proxy configurations working (simply try to open Eclipse Marketplace integration, when it works fine, otherwise change your proxy settings in preferences)

  • Search for 'egradle' inside Eclipse Marketplace - look at the announced version. If it has a higher version number than your installed one, normally a Help->Check for updates should install the update. If this does not work, please uninstall EGradle (Help->Installation Details->Installed Software + select "EGradle" + Uninstall…) and do a fresh install in Eclipse Marketplace

Eclipse update results in "No repository found containing…" - how can I fix this?

Former update URL has some technical problems. To avoid this and to increase performance, a new update site was established with version 1.2.1: . Update site is changed at eclipse marketplace. If you have such problems, either update your "Available Software Sites" entry for EGradle, or do an uninstallation of EGradle and install fresh from eclipse marketplace. With 1.3.1 the old update site was removed.

Why does the editor only show syntax errors on the fly but compile and evaluation errors only on gradle executions?

EGradle editor parses its document and handles parser errors on the fly. But compile or evaluations errors depends on runtime environment (gradle, groovy, OS). This can only handled correctly by calling real gradle. So if you want this benefits, simply call your gradle commands from EGradle UI and compile / evaluation errors will appear in editor as well.

I am interested in EGradle Editor but I am using another IDE

With EGradle 2.0 the editor became available also as standalone eclipse feature, so it can be used also by other eclipse integrations as well. There will be also some API to adopt on special features -e.g. variable resolving for linking to files.

How to get the editor ? or use marketplace client and search for "EGradle"

The hyperlinking for "${rootproject.projectDir}…"is not working in Editor

When using another IDE than EGradle but using EGradle Editor the IDE has to provide variable information by an provider. If the IDE does not support such a provider the editor cannot hyperlink. See

What restrictions has EGradle?

  • Only one active gradle root project possible at same time

  • If you rename your gradle sub projects the launch configurations will not be renamed automatically. Simply change the project names in your launch configurations manually. Because EGradle is lightweight this is a trade off.

  • If you rename tests or test methods your 'EGradle Junit Test' configuration will not work anymore and a new one will be auto created. You have to remove the remaining 'zombie' test launch configurations by your own.

Where can I get informed when a new version is available?

Why do I see wrong characters inside eclipse console on gradle execution?

EGradle suppports only UTF-8 output. (The projects created by EGradle new project wizard are all automatically setup with UTF-8.)

Reasons for wrong output

  • maybe you saved your files in another encoding than UTF-8 (which I would not do because you always got i18n issues when not using UTF-8 which is nowaday the defacto standard)

  • Another option is that something you are executing from gradle does another encoding by itself (e.g. a windows exe).

Handling Proxy settings

With EGradle 2.6.0 #360 the GRADLE_USER_HOME environment is set to "$userHome" on every launch. So on user home will be recognized by wrapper etc. This is standard gradle way of handling proxies and is more secure, because Eclipse does not show any credentials inside UI!

Example for ~/

# systemProp.https.proxyUser=userid
# systemProp.https.proxyPassword=password