SHEF is an HTML editing framework and component for the Java Swing GUI library. It can be plugged into the javax.swing.JEditorPane
text component, adding usable HTML WYSIWYG editing capabilities. In addition, SHEF works around various JEditorPane
quirks and adds functionality currently missing from the standard Swing text implementation.
Forked SHEF from SourecForge: (
Forked modified SHEF from
- HTML Source Editor with Syntax Highlighting
- Context sensitive Swing Actions
- Unlimited Undo/Redo
- Table creation and editing
- Click+Drag Resizable Tables
- Click+Drag Resizable Images
- Easily embeddable in Swing Applications or Applets
- All the basic features you'd expect in an HTML Editing Component
A Demo is provided in the package. Here is a screenshot:
- Forked the modified version from VEDAGroup which had some fixes to SHEF
- Allow hiding of the html tab/view, because the end user may not want to see markup
- Added button to Image Attributes dialog to allow browsing for image files on disk
- Updated hotkeys for menu items for specific OS (i.e. CTRL for Win, CMD for Mac)
- Added icons and other cosmetic changes
- Font combo box now displays WYSIWYG fonts
- Directly paste images from system clipboard
This fork maintains the original license:
GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
- original SHEF - Swing HTML Editor Framework
- an alternative SHEF fork by VEDAGroup