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What is Azure Service Bus JavaScript SDK?

Damir Dobric edited this page Jan 26, 2015 · 4 revisions

This SDK provides support for most important commonly used Azure Service Bus features for Java Script. It provides following artefacts:

  1. QueueClient
  2. Topic Client
  3. SubscriptionClient
  4. EventHubClient

Supported Features

  • Sending of message to the queue
  • Reading of messages from queue
  • Sending of messages to Topic
  • Sending of events to EventHub
  • Reading of messages from subscription
  • Abondon
  • PeekLock-Read/PeekDelete-Read
  • Complete
  • Shared Access Token Signatures
  • Custom BrokeredMessage properties
  • CORS

Not supported features in this version

Following common features are not supported:

  • Access Control Service Authentication
  • Sessions
  • OnMessage pattern
  • Management functionality

How to use Azure Java Script SDK?