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Decentralized Flight Insurance

Project Description

Decentralized application aimed at providing flight passengers' insurance. A consortium of airlines fund an insurance deposit and guarantee premiums. Insurance premiums are credited to insurees upon oracle consensus on flight status. Unreedemable insurance deposits are credited to the shared consortium account.


Design and Upgradability

  • ConsortiumAlliance contract module aims at providing a generic insurance data model as well as fine operations for implementing affiliate registrations, voting rights, custody and management of insurance deposits.

  • ConsortiumSettings defines the project roles, consensus criteria and administrative fees of the project.

  • FlightInsuranceHandler is concerned with the specific business logic of airlines', flights' and insurances registration. As a trusted delegate of the ConsortiumAlliance, it triggers the credit of insurance deposits and premiums upon Oracle consensus on flight status.

  • A Express.js server application provides a REST API to interact with the contracts. It allows withdraw of insurance premiums and registration of airlines, flights, oracles and insurances.

Unit and system tests

  • TestConsortiumWorkflow.js

  • TestConsortiumConsensus.js

  • TestConsortiumRequires.js

  • TestconsortiumReentrancy.js

  • TestFlightInsuranceHandler.js


  • Solidity v0.6.2 (solc-js)

  • Node v12.17.0

  • Web3.js v1.2.1

  • Truffle v5.1.30 (core: 5.1.30) - Development framework

  • @truffle/hdwallet-provider v1.0.36 - HD Wallet-enabled Web3 provider

  • truffle-assertions v0.9.2 - Additional assertions for Truffle tests

  • chai v4.2.0 - Assertion library

Getting Started

Install dependencies

npm install

Define mnemonic in .secret file


Launch Ganache with the same mnemonic and define 50 accounts with 100 ETH each

ganache-cli -m <mnemonic> -a 50 -e 100

Compile, test and migrate

truffle compile
truffle test
truffle migrate --reset

Launch the Server (it registers founding airlines, flights and oracles)

npm run server

Launch the DApp

npm run dapp
