Giraffe is a high performance, functional ASP.NET Core micro web framework for building rich web applications.
Fable.Giraffe is a port of the Giraffe F# library to Fable and Fable.Python. I.e Fable.Giraffe is written in F# and runs on Python.
let webApp =
route "/ping" |> HttpHandler.text "pong"
let app =
.ConfigureLogging(fun builder -> builder.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Debug))
.Configure(fun app -> app.UseGiraffe(webApp))
To build Fable.Giraffe, run:
> poetry install
> dotnet run Build
Building Fable.Giraffe for development purposes may require the very latest Fable compiler. You can build against the latest version of Fable by running e.g:
> dotnet run --project ..\..\..\Fable\src\Fable.Cli --lang Python
Remember to build fable library first if needed e.g run in Fable directory:
> dotnet fsi build.fsx library-py
To run the test server:
> dotnet run App
Note that Fable.Giraffe is a valid ASGI application so you can start the server manually using servers like uvicorn:
> poetry run uvicorn program:app --port "8080" --workers 20
> dotnet run Test