A list of sites/resources that I am interested in, or have used in my dev efforts.
- Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. dwmkerr/hacker-laws
- Refactoring Guru
- 4D code on Github
- 4D components on Github
- 4D classes on Github
- Vincent de Lachaux Respositories with classes
- Regular Expressions
- Email receipt testing Mailinator
- Marak/faker.js
- Git Flow
- The 11 Rules of GitLab Flow
- The problem with Git flow
- How to Collaborate On GitHub
- How to Collaborate on Github Open Source Projects
- The Ultimate Github Collaboration Guide
- Merging an upstream repository into your fork
- Customizing Git - Git Configuration
- Awesome PHP A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
- yaac - Yet another ACME client Written in PHP, this client aims to be a simplified and decoupled Let’s Encrypt client, based on ACME V2.
- Single-responsibility principle A class should only have a single responsibility, that is, only changes to one part of the software's specification should be able to affect the specification of the class.
- Open–closed principle Software entities ... should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
- Liskov substitution principle Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.
- Interface segregation principle Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.
- Dependency inversion principle One should "depend upon abstractions, [not] concretions."