A module with the missing native Android dialogs.
The modules/zip files is in the the dist
folder of the repository. Add it to your project like you would any other native module.
Require the modules with the following code:
var Dialogs = require("yy.tidialogs");
Here is an example usage:
// Create the dialog
var picker = Dialogs.createMultiPicker({
title:"Hello World",
message : "Verbose text about dialog",
icon : "/assets/icon.png", // locale path to image or in res folder
selected: ["B","C"], // <-- optional
okButtonTitle : "Yep", // <-- optional
cancelButtonTitle : "Nah" // <-- optional
onChange : function(evt) { // <-- optional
console.log("index="+ "evt.index + " checked=" + evt.checked)
// Add the click listener
var indexes = e.indexes; // selected indexes
var selections = e.selections; // the actual selected options.
var result = e.result; // an array like [true,false,true,true]
// Cancel listener
picker.addEventListener('cancel', function() {
Ti.API.info("dialog was cancelled");
var onChange = function(evt) {
console.log(evt.index + " " + evt.value);
// open it
Here is an example usage:
// Create the dialog
// value property is priority
var picker = Dialogs.createDatePicker({
okButtonTitle: 'Set', // <-- optional, default "Done"
cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel', // <-- optional, default "Cancel"
value: new Date(), // <-- optional
day: 28, // <-- optional
month: 7, // <-- optional - java/javascript month, i.e. August
year: 1975 // <-- optional
// Add the click listener
if (!e.cancel) {
var value = e.value; // JavaScript Date object
var day = e.day;
var month = e.month; // Jan === 0
var year = e.year;
// Cancel listener
picker.addEventListener('cancel', function() {
Ti.API.info("dialog was cancelled");
// open it
Here is an example usage:
// Create the dialog
// value property is priority
var picker = Dialogs.createTimePicker({
okButtonTitle: 'Set', // <-- optional, default "Done"
cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel', // <-- optional, default "Cancel"
value: new Date(), // <-- optional, JavaScript Date object
hour: 10, // <-- optional
minute: 30 // <-- optional
// Add the click listener
if (!e.cancel) {
var value = e.value; // JavaScript Date object
var hour = e.hour;
var minute = e.minute;
// Cancel listener
picker.addEventListener('cancel', function() {
Ti.API.info("dialog was cancelled");
// open it
- Added cancel button are displayed, Honeycomb later.
- Added okButtonTitle, cancelButtonTitle and value properties.
- Compatible Ti.UI.Picker.showTimePickerDialog and Ti.UI.Picker.showDatePickerDialog properties.