Welcome to pynetoptix!
This is an unofficial, zero-dependency, Python 3 wrapper over the NetworkOptix' HTTP API. You can view their API documentation here.
pip install pynetoptix
import pynetoptix
nx_username = 'demo'
nx_password = 'nxwitness'
nx_client = pynetoptix.create_client(nx_username, nx_password)
# Clone the repository from GitHub
git clone git@github.com:davidvuong/pynetoptix.git
# Create a Python virtual environment (using Python 3)
mkvirtualenv pynetoptix -p python3
# Install development dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run unit tests
python -m pytest tests/
PyPi deployments are manual for now. I'll need to configure CI to auto deploy on git branches. However until then, the process is as follows:
Bump the version number
__version_info__ = (0, 0, 1) __version__ = '.'.join([str(i) for i in __version_info__])
Commit, tag, and push your version bump:
git add . git commit -m "chore(pkg): bump 0.0.1" git tag -a "v0.0.1" -m "chore(pkg): bump 0.0.1" git push && git push --tags
Build a new distribution and upload to PyPi:
pip install twine python setup.py sdist twine upload dist/pynetoptix-0.0.1.tar.gz
NOTE: You might get warnings around having a misconfigured ~/.pypirc
file. Create one if you haven't and make sure it contains:
username = <username>
password = <password>
Ask another developer for the username
and password