This project allows you to save your bookmarks online, among other functions.
To install and run the project locally you must have the following tools installed:
Once you have installed these tools, run these commands on a terminal:
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Install the project dependencies:
composer install
During the installation you will be asked for some parameters (data related to the database, data to send emails...).
- Install front end dependencies:
npm install
- Build .scss and .js bundles (use
flag for build when this files changes):
./node_modules/.bin/encore dev
- Build .scss and .js bundles for production:
./node_modules/.bin/encore production
- Finally, run the project:
php bin/console server:run
I followed this guide, made by the guys at Symfony, to deploy the project on my server.
If you don't want to install the project locally, or if you do not want to register with your own data, you can use these test credentials to log in and test the features on the website:
- Username: user
- Password: password
- Symfony - PHP framework for web applications
- Encore - Front end tasks
- VueJS - Some client functionalities
- Bootstrap - CSS framework
- SCSS - For custom Bootstrap styles and my own CSS
- jQuery - JavaScript library
- FontAwesome - Cool icons
- SweetAlert2 - Cool alerts
- Axios - AJAX requests
- David Copano - Initial work - davidcopano
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.