A simple lisp interpreter with clojure-like syntax.
(defn say-hello-to [name]
(print "Hello " name))
(say-hello-to "Obi-Wan Kenobi") ;; this should print "Hello Obi-Wan Kenobi" without the quotes
Check the file scripts/examples.cljs for more examples
- A
compiler withC++11
support ( I tested it withg++ 5.3.1
) - Scons ( a better construction tool that use python scripts )
$ scons
The interpreter needs this environment variable to search for libs ( at the moment just the core lib ).
Navigate to the project folder:
$ cd jediscript-master/
$ export JEDIPATH=$PWD/libs
$ cd jediscript-master/
$ ./bin/jediscript ./scripts/examples.cljs
- Hash type
- namespaces
- Multi-arity functions
- varadic functions
- a lot of nice clojure features...
Probably, but since I don't use Windows nor Mac, I can't tell you for sure. If you want to test it in those platforms and/or make adjustment to make it work, you are welcome to open a pull request :)
Well, is an AST interpreter with no special care for performance, so slow.