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Scala Free Monads

Free Monad Algebra providing convenient program DSLs covering:

  • Http - Interact with any Http API with any underlying implementation (sttp provided as a recommended default).
  • AWS S3 - Write and read to S3 including dynamic upload streaming providing a source to target pipeline (thanks to Alex Hall)

Getting Started

libraryDependencies ++= {
  val freeScala =
    "tech.backwards" %% "free-scala" % "<version>"
    freeScala % "test, it" classifier "tests",
    freeScala % "test, it" classifier "it" 


The following two examples use more than one Algebra, specifically Http and S3, so we use the following type alias:

type Algebras[A] = EitherK[Http, S3, A]

Also, the first example shows the use of Context Bound to express the Algebras dependency, whereas the second uses implicit parameters.

Get paginated Http accumulate each page and Put as one S3 Object

Take a look at the example code HttpS3IntegrationApp where the following program (of multiple Algebra) is run:

type `Http~>Algebras`[_] = InjectK[Http, Algebras]

type `S3~>Algebras`[_] = InjectK[S3, Algebras]

def program[F: `Http~>Algebras`: `S3~>Algebras`]: Free[Algebras, Jsonl] =
  for {
    bucket    <- bucket("my-bucket").liftFree[Algebras]
    _         <- CreateBucket(createBucketRequest(bucket))
    data      <- Get[Json](uri("")).paginate
    _         <- PutObject(putObjectRequest(bucket, "foo"), RequestBody.fromString("\n")))
    response  <- GetObject[Jsonl](getObjectRequest(bucket, "foo"))
  } yield response

given "paginate" is an extension method:

def paginate: Free[F, Vector[Json]] = {
  def accumulate(acc: Vector[Json], json: Json): Vector[Json] =
    (json \ "data").flatMap(_.asArray).fold(acc)(acc ++ _)

  def go(get: Get[Json], acc: Vector[Json], page: Int): Free[F, Vector[Json]] =
    for {
      content <- paramsL[Json].modify(_ + ("page" -> page))(get)
      pages   = (content \ "meta" \ "pagination" \ "pages").flatMap([Int].toOption).getOrElse(0)
      data    <- if (page < pages && page < maxPages) go(get, accumulate(acc, content), page + 1) else Free.pure[F, Vector[Json]](accumulate(acc, content))
    } yield data

  go(get, acc = Vector.empty, page = 1)

Get paginated Http streaming each page to S3 completing as one Object

Take a look at the example code HttpS3StreamIntegrationApp where the following program (of multiple Algebra) is run:

def program(implicit H: InjectK[Http, Algebras], S: InjectK[S3, Algebras]): Free[Algebras, Jsonl] =
  for {
    bucket    <- bucket("my-bucket").liftFree[Algebras]
    _         <- CreateBucket(createBucketRequest(bucket))
    _         <- Get[Json](uri("")).paginate(bucket, "foo")
    response  <- GetObject[Jsonl](getObjectRequest(bucket, "foo"))
  } yield response

given "paginate" is an extension method:

def paginate(bucket: Bucket, key: String): Free[Algebras, Unit] = {
  def go(get: Get[Json], page: Int): Free[Algebras, Unit] = {
    for {
      json  <- paramsL[Json].modify(_ + ("page" -> page))(get)
      data  <- Jsonl((json \ "data").flatMap(_.asArray)).liftFree[Algebras]
      _     <- when(data.value.nonEmpty, PutStream(bucket, key, data), unit[Algebras])
      pages <- (json \ "meta" \ "pagination" \ "pages").flatMap([Int].toOption).getOrElse(0).liftFree[Algebras]
      _     <- if (page < pages && page < maxPages) go(get, page + 1) else unit[Algebras]
    } yield ()

  go(get, page = 1).as(CompletePutStream(bucket, key))