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Releases: david-read-iii/Clothes-Catalog

Initial release

23 Oct 03:44
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  • Create ProductProvider that is a ContentProvider for managing an SQLite database of product entries. Each product has a name, price, quantity, supplier, supplier phone number, supplier email, and picture.
  • Create InventoryActivity that presents a list of products. Each list item displays the product's name, price, quantity, and a sale button to decrement the product's quantity by 1. Options to add a dummy product entry and delete all product entries are available in the action bar. An add product button allows you to navigate to DetailActivity to create a new product. Clicking on a list item navigates you to DetailActivity to modify the existing product.
  • Create DetailActivity that presents a form for adding a new product or modifying an existing product. Text fields for entering the product's name, price, quantity, supplier info are available. If a text field contains an invalid value, an error is set on the field and saving is disabled. Change quantity buttons allow easy modification of the quantity value. The call supplier button starts an intent to the phone app. The email supplier button starts an intent to the email app. The change photo button presents options to take a new photo, choose an existing photo, or remove the photo for the product picture. The save product button saves the product with the chosen values and sends the user back to InventoryActivity.


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DetailActivity supplier contact info enhancement. Display supplier contact info in DetailActivity fields and add buttons to call/email the supplier.

12 Oct 01:32
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  • Modify DetailActivity layout to show supplier contact info and buttons.
  • Persist supplier contact info through taps onto and off of DetailActivity.
  • Have Call Supplier button in DetailActivity dial the phone number with the device's phone app in the Supplier Phone Number field on click.
  • Have Email Supplier button in DetailActivity draft an email with the device's email app on click.


  • Screenshot_20221011_212840
  • Screenshot_20221011_212847
  • Screenshot_20221011_212901

DetailActivity Picture Enhancement. Display sample/live picture in DetailActivity, provide picture modification options, and more.

09 Oct 02:53
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  • Modify DetailActivity layout to show an ImageView of the product's picture.
  • Show a sample image when a product has no picture. Display the stored picture otherwise.
  • Provide a dialog of photo modification options in DetailActivity.
  • Use Activity Result APIs to easily handle intents to take a picture with the device's camera and choose a picture from the device's storage.


  • Screenshot_20221008_224010
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Initial DetailActivity. Display product properties in text fields, add buttons to modify quantity/save product/delete product, and more.

18 Sep 06:17
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  • Add DetailActivity that is a user interface for creating or modifying a product in the ProductProvider. It launches in add product mode when started from the add product button in InventoryActivity and launches in update product mode when started from clicking an item in InventoryActivity.
  • Add text fields in DetailActivity that displays a field error when invalid text is entered.
  • Add save product button to DetailActivity.
  • Add increment and decrement quantity buttons to DetailActivity.
  • Replace increment and decrement quantity buttons in InventoryActivity with a sale button.
  • Add delete product action bar option to DetailActivity.
  • Refactor to accept lambdas for click handling instead of using the traditional interface approach.
  • Show confirmation dialogs before deleting products in InventoryActivity and DetailActivity.


  • Screenshot_20220918_020801
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Enhancements to InventoryActivity. Display data in RecyclerView, put add product FloatingActionButton in layout, and more.

11 Sep 16:50
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  • Display ProductProvider data in a RecyclerView in InventoryActivity.
  • Get ProductProvider data using a CursorLoader in InventoryActivity.
  • Show empty list text when no data is available in InventoryActivity.
  • Add static click handler for RecyclerView list items.
  • Add increment and decrement quantity buttons in InventoryActivity.
  • Put static add product FloatingActionButton in InventoryActivity.
  • Use Snackbars to deliver alerts instead of Toasts.
  • Refactor to use stable ids.


  • Screenshot_20220911_124348
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Create Products Provider and barebones Inventory Activity

05 Sep 03:00
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  • Initially configure the app with default colors, styles, and a launcher icon.
  • Define a ContentProvider for storing product data. Use a SQLiteOpenHelper subclass to facilitate the actual CRUD operations of the data.
  • Define a barebones InventoryActivity that depicts the data of the ProductProvider in a single TextView. Also give options to add dummy data or delete all data from it.


  • Screenshot_20220904_223604
  • Screenshot_20220904_224218