A C# utility and helper library for Unity.
Check out the documentation for a more detailed api reference and guides.
Atlas is a library of reusable classes and tools meant to help with some of the common things in gamedev.
Add "com.davidknopp.atlas": "https://github.com/david-knopp/Atlas.git#ReleasePackage",
under the "dependencies"
section of your project's manifest.json file, which should be located under the "Packages" folder in your project's root directory. Upon running Unity, Atlas should then be
downloaded automatically.
Note: to use this method, Git must be installed on the user machine and the Git executable path should be listed in the PATH system environment variable as explained on the Unity forum.
Download the latest .unitypackage from the releases page. Then, simply drag and drop the package into your Unity project.
In an effort to keep your project tidy, Atlas will place itself in Assets/ThirdParty/Atlas/
, but can be moved freely afterward, as nothing within the library depends upon this directory.
Structs for each of the Animator
parameter types that show a dropdown of options in the inspector. They show parameters for any Animator
s serialized with the class, as well as any Animator
s in children and parent components. As an added benefit, they automatically cache the parameter hash for that extra bit of performance at runtime.
public class CatapultAnimation : MonoBehaviour
private Animator m_animator;
private AnimatorTriggerHandle m_launchParam = "Launch";
public void Launch()
m_animator.SetTrigger( m_launchParam );
Several classes and functions based around Robert Penner's easing functions for adding quick procedural animation. The Ease
object gives dropdown options in the inspector with eases such as quadratic, bounce, elastic, etc., and functions to make interpolation easy. There are also several EaseComponent
s that can be added to any object to add motion without writing code.
public sealed class EaseRotation : MonoBehaviour
private Vector3 m_startRotation;
private Vector3 m_endRotation;
private Ease m_ease;
private void Update()
// get normalized time on [0, 1], wrapping every 2 seconds
float t = ( Time.time % 2f ) / 2f;
// ease between rotations
transform.rotation = m_ease.Interpolate( Quaternion.Euler( m_startRotation ),
Quaternion.Euler( m_endRotation ),
t );
All motion in this example is done using the various Transform
s, e.g.EaseRotationTo
An editor window that allows manipulating Unity's Time.timeScale
at runtime. It's great for speeding up (or slowing down) gameplay when debugging.
Easily add buttons that call MonoBehaviour
methods by adding the [InspectorButton]
attribute to them.
Reset Transform
values to default with a button press.
C# swizzling for Vector2
, Vector3
, Vector4
, Vector2Int
, Vector3Int
, and Color
public class SwizzleMeTimbers : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
// Creates a 2-dimensional vector with world X and Z
Vector2 flatPos2D = transform.position.XZ();
// Creates a 3-dimensional vector with (x, 0, y) values
Vector3 flatPos3D = flatPos2D.X_Y();
// Creates a color with the red and blue channels swapped,
// and the alpha set to 0
Color color = Color.magenta.BGR_();
An object for measuring elapsed time based off of Unity's timestep, configurable for Scaled, Unscaled, and Fixed time scales.
private IEnumerator LerpPositionToRoutine( Vector3 targetPosition, float lerpTimeSeconds )
// start timer
Timer timer = new Timer();
Vector3 startPosition = transform.position;
// interpolate to target position for given amount of time
while ( timer.HasElapsed( lerpTimeSeconds ) == false )
// normalizes Timer's elapsed time to [0, 1]
float t = timer.GetElapsedPercent( lerpTimeSeconds );
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp( startPosition, targetPosition, t );
yield return null;
A serializable struct giving mininum and maximum float values, and providing several functions for common uses, such as checking if a value is within the range, getting a random value, clamping a value, etc. Also comes in an int
public sealed class DamageComponent : MonoBehaviour
private Range m_damageRange = new Range( 6f, 20f );
public void OnCharacterHit( Character hitCharacter )
// get randomized damage amount
float damageAmount = m_damageRange.GetRandomValue();
hitCharacter.ApplyDamage( damageAmount );
Display a dropdown for all scenes in the project, or with an optional filter or folders to search in. A default scene folder path can also be set in the Atlas preferences under Edit->Preferences->Atlas->[ScenePath] Settings.
[SerializeField, ScenePath]
private string m_scenePath;
public void LoadScene()
SceneManager.LoadScene( m_scenePath );
Easily break keys apart from values when iterating a Dictionary
public class CharacterDatabase
public void IterateCharacters()
// with key-value pair deconstruction
foreach ( ( int id, Character character ) in m_characters )
// ...
// without
foreach ( var kvp in m_characters )
int id = kvp.Key;
Character character = kvp.Value;
private readonly Dictionary<int, Character> m_characters =
new Dictionary<int, Character>();
An implementation of the Singleton design pattern that helps ensure only 1 instance of the given class exists, and caches a shared instance by searching existing objects, or by instantiating one if one hasn't yet been created.
// Singleton declaration
public sealed class AudioSystem : SingletonBehavior<AudioSystem>
public void PlayAudioClip( AudioClip clip )
// Audio playback code...
// Accessing the singleton
public sealed class MatchAudio
// called when a goal is scored
public void OnGoalScored()
// play audio using shared AudioSystem instance
AudioSystem.Instance.PlayAudioClip( AudioClip.GoalScored );