A JQuery plugin to ease the creation of animation based on a serie of images
Example here : http://davel.fr/demo/jQuery-ImgAnimation/
Explanations in French here : http://www.davel.fr/techblog/?p=201
1/ include jQuery in your code, and my script (yeah, yeah, obvious !)
2/ Add a container that will hold the plugin images
<div id="animContainer"></div>
3/ Load the images (objects) in an array and init the plugin, get the plugins data as an oject to control the animation.
var animObject = $('#animContainer').data('ImgAnimation');
the options are :
- loop : boolean // specifies if the animation should start over when the last frame has benne reached (default : true)
- images : array // contains the list of images used for the animation (default : empty array, but you should fill it)
- labels : object // contains named labels and the frame associated, usefull for playTo, gotoAndPlay and gotoAndStop (default : empty object)
- onAnimationEnterFrame // lauched at every frame while it's played. (default : empty functions)
- intervalTime // in milliseconds the interval between two images during animation (default : 25)
4/ control the animation with the animation object
animObject.gotoAndStop(num or label);
animObject.gotoAndPlay(num or label);
animObject.playTo(num or label, callback function);
(if you're familiar with Flash's MovieClips it should be déjà-vu :))