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[BUG] the -display-columns option of -dmenu seems to resulting in extraneous leading whitespace #1834

2 tasks done
sentriz opened this issue Apr 12, 2023 · 7 comments
2 tasks done


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sentriz commented Apr 12, 2023

Rofi version (rofi -v)



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 * rofi -dump-theme output.
 * Rofi version: 1.7.5
* {
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Timing report

No response

Launch command

rofi -dmenu -display-columns 2

Step to reproduce

printf "first col\t%s\n" "second col a" "second col b" "second col c" | rofi -dmenu -display-columns 2

this is basically just a simple table that has two columns separated by a single tab char


Expected behavior

only first column printed with no leading whitespace


Actual behavior

only first column printed with leading whitespace with -display-columns 2


Additional information

No response

Using wayland display server protocol

  • No, I don't use the wayland display server protocol

I've checked if the issue exists in the latest stable release

  • Yes, I have checked the problem exists in the latest stable version
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yeah, silly issue. very very quick look at it. This might fix it:

diff --git a/source/modes/dmenu.c b/source/modes/dmenu.c
index 85dda8e5..27b6097d 100644
--- a/source/modes/dmenu.c
+++ b/source/modes/dmenu.c
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ static gchar *dmenu_format_output_string(const DmenuModePrivateData *pd,
     unsigned int index =
         (unsigned int)g_ascii_strtoull(pd->columns[i], NULL, 10);
     if (index <= ns && index > 0) {
-      if (index == 1) {
+      if (i == 0) {
         g_string_append(str_retv, splitted[index - 1]);
       } else {
         g_string_append_c(str_retv, '\t');

@DaveDavenport DaveDavenport added the Incomplete Report - Please follow the guidelines Your report is incomplete and does not follow the guidelines, you may not expect an answer label Apr 12, 2023
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DaveDavenport commented Apr 12, 2023

I have no idea what 'default X from arch repo is'.. please don't just assume things instead of following the very simple questions asked.

From start of issue:
If you ask a
question, enter dummy information in required fields to get passed the
or in general completely ignore the guidelines, the issue will
be closed and locked as spam.

So be consistent, I should lock it..

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sentriz commented Apr 12, 2023

sure, added the configs

@DaveDavenport DaveDavenport removed the Incomplete Report - Please follow the guidelines Your report is incomplete and does not follow the guidelines, you may not expect an answer label Apr 12, 2023
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sentriz commented Apr 12, 2023

can confirm it seems to be fixed with 71570a9 thanks 👍

@DaveDavenport DaveDavenport added this to the 1.7.6 milestone Apr 12, 2023
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thx for testing.

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This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.

@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators May 24, 2023
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2 participants