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Hyperion EOS1420i Battery Charger with Bluetooth module

daturach edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

The goal is to add a bluetooth module to an Hyperion charger. This is not new and you can find such a project here.

It is very well documented. I did follow these instructions and managed to complete it in a couple of hours.

There are a few things I have done differently and there are described here. I provide as well some more info and a schematic of the connections with the current BT module I bought a few weeks ago.

First, you should read the instructions provided in the link above. I am here concerned about the EOS1420i model. I know nothing about the other models.

Note: It's not necessary to disconnect the internal cables. You can solder the wires from the side of the charger.

Material needed:

  • BT module type HC-05
  • Hyperion EOS1420inet3 with firmware 5.96 (may work with other versions) and PC application Hyperion EOS Control & Data Suite (dated 2013-08-21)



Then, it's time to pair your BT device with your PC. I have a Toshiba dongle. Your model is probably different but the end result should be the same!

Switch on your charger. The HC-05 should start blinking (fast). Then, add a new connection and follow the instructions on the screen. If everything went well, you will see a new icon named HC-05. This name depends on your BT board and you can change it but this requires more work and it's not necessary for this project. (see here)

Then, right click on this new icon and connect. Your HC-05 will start blinking fast once every 2 secs when the connection is established.


It's now time to connect your app to your charger.

The first thing is to identify the port used by the dongle. On mine, I just have to click on "Détails..." and identify the port (COM43 in this case).


Create a Desktop shortcut by adding a new icon for your app. (see here again)

Once done, start your app. and go to File --> Manual COM Port selection

In the "Select COM Ports" dialog Box, select COM43 and click "OK".

COM port selection

Then go to File --> Re-Initialize chargers

You should be ready to use your charger.

Hyperion with Bluetooth module installed outside of the case:

Hyperion with BT module

Update for Windows 11:

The " Hyperion EOS Control & Data Suite" application still works in Win 11. However you have to install the .NET Framework 3.5.

From the Taskbar search input, type "Windows features" and enable .NET Framework 3.5. Then install the Data Suite.

Windows features dialog box

Update for Linux:

I have that module running under MxLinux 23.3_x64 with KDE. However, the "Hyperion EOS Control & Data Suite" does not run under Linux. You can use an application like Test Controller to record your data.

This distribution does have the needed tools to connect the HC-05 to the Test Controller. Connect your BT dongle and enable BT on your PC. Switch on your charger. In a Linux console, type:

sudo hcitool scan

You will see the address of your HC-05 module. Suppose it's 01:02:03:04:05:06. Then:

sudo rfcomm bind 0 01:02:03:04:05:06

sudo rfcomm connect 1 01:02:03:04:05:06

If you get in return:

Connected /dev/rfcomm1 to 01:02:03:04:05:06 on channel 1. Press CTRL-C for hang-up

you are connected to your PC.

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